

作者(外文):Chia-chia Lin
主題關鍵詞:虛擬社群共同創造價值互動力參與行為生態旅遊Virtual communityCo-create valueInteractivityEngagement behaviorEcotourism
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Ecological degradation is an escalating global threat. Increasingly, people worldwide are expressing awareness and concern about the environmental problems that surround them. Yet, despite these environmental concerns, efforts to change environmental behavior appear unsuccessful as degradation of the environment continues. Information technology, such as the growing popular social network systems (or virtual communities), can help education and public engagement on this issue effectively.
Nevertheless, the member engagement process comprises interrelated sub-process reflecting members’ interactive experience within virtual communities, and value co-creation among community participants. As result, this study bases on the most popular ecotourism virtual communities of Taiwan, by means of multi-criteria decision making tools to deeply investigate the complex multidimensional and dynamic nature of member engagement.
Research findings can help provide insightful suggestions on the viral marketing of ecotourism concerns.
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