

作者:李貴連 引用關係
作者(外文):Kuei-Lien Lee
主題關鍵詞:官感品評五感包裝設計腦波腦電圖Sensory EvaluationElectroencephalograms (EEG)BrainwavesPackage DesignFive Senses
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Aesthetics exhibited in the design of packaging works are an essential element of packaging design. Numerous studies have verified that the use or addition of multiple senses enables the test recipients to produce recall capability and emotional messages superior to those achieved for single visual elements, thereby extending the periods these effects are stored in the memory. During the first phase of the experiment, we observed the pre- and post-packaging design, and then conducted experiments for kinesthetic, auditory, and olfactory stimuli added to the post-design packaging. We conducted exploratory research investigating the effects that visual, kinesthetic, auditory, and olfactory senses have on brainwave changes. We conducted expert focus group interviews to select three packaging designs, which were for Oolong tea, organic rice, and nougat candy products. The experiments each comprised the following three sample types: pre-packaging design; post-packaging design; and post-packaging design with kinesthetic, auditory, and olfactory stimuli. For this study, we used electroencephalograms (EEG) to collect the data of brainwaves for different samples. From the perspective of sensory evaluation, this study combined vision, smell, and taste to assess whether a color alteration would affect sensory judgments. Therefore, color selection is an important component for drink packaging design. This research is conducted in two stages: (1) from the market research, literature review, and focus groups, four types of juice were selected for an experiment; and (2) to perform the experiment, two sessions of random taste of different fruit drinks were organized for subjects to identify them.
The EEG experiment results in the first phase indicated that the participants’ brainwaves when viewing the packaging design with kinesthetic, auditory, and olfactory stimuli showed gradual activation. The statistical results of analysis of variance (ANOVA) show that significant differences existed for the three samples when viewing the pre-packaging design and the post-packaging design and viewing the post-packaging design with kinesthetic, auditory, and olfactory stimuli. The observation results showed that viewing the pre-packaging design differed significantly from viewing the post-packaging design with the kinesthetic, auditory, and olfactory stimuli. Furthermore, viewing the post-packaging design and the post-packaging design with kinesthetic, auditory, and olfactory stimuli demonstrated a significant difference. A comparison between the EEG and self-reported questionnaire results indicated that the preferred factors for sample design could influence the level of the participants’ beta wave activation. The preferred packaging samples showed more beta wave activation during the experiment than the less preferable packaging samples. This conclusion verified that the two measurement results were consistent. The experiment results finally showed that the participants’ beta waves for the samples including post-packaging design with kinesthetic, auditory, and olfactory stimuli were the largest, followed by the post-packaging design samples and then the pre-packaging design samples. Based on related research and discussions, kinesthetic, auditory, and olfactory stimuli can facilitate the activation of beta waves; the results of the experiment conducted in this study support this idea. Therefore, we can conclude that beta waves may be influenced by changes caused by kinesthetic, auditory, and olfactory stimuli.
The results revealed that if the color of a beverage matches its taste, the average rate of accuracy is above 94 %. Upon switching the taste and the color, only 41 % of participants identified certain flavors. The experimental results showed that the majority of participants chose to rely on vision of color, subsequently ignoring judgments of smell and taste. The results can act as a reference for fruit juice packaging designs. This study suggests that color schemes and product packaging have a close relationship of interdependence, particularly with natural food products’ “appropriate or natural color” being emphasized by current consumers. Thus, an excellent drink packaging design and an appropriate implication of contents’ color require serious consideration. Compared to the pre-packaging design, although the post-packaging design included design elements of synesthesia (e.g., forms, colors, textures, and pictures and text), the viewing results for the pre-packaging design and those of the post-packaging design showed no significant differences. This indicates that pure visual viewing of both the pre-packaging design and the post-packaging design had no significant difference regarding the participants’ level of beta wave activation. The result does not support the hypothesis that brainwaves are more active when observing unique packaging designs compared to general packaging designs.
The experiment results of the two phases are as follows: (1) We summarized the theories related to packaging design for the five senses; (2) we identified and analyzed the factors influencing packaging design for the five senses and investigated the development of this kind of packaging design; (3) we selected the key experimental packaging samples through expert groups and employed EEG and the sensory evaluation experiment for verification. The visual design was combined with actual tactile or contact sensations, sound that conformed to the product content, and actual olfactory stimuli to activate the participants’ brainwaves; (4) visual senses can interfere with olfactory and gustatory senses. The visual sense sees symbolic colors and judgments should be conducted aided by combination with olfactory and gustatory senses. Therefore, the presentation of olfactory and gustatory senses should be performed simultaneously with the visual sense.
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