

主題關鍵詞:供應鏈退貨政策訂購量設計品質產品模組化Supply chainReturns policyOrder quantityDesign qualityProduct modularityCentralized strategy
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近年來,消費者對產品的品質與服務要求嚴苛,而產品生命週期日趨短暫且需求不確定性高,因此供應鏈退貨政策(returns policy)的研究順應而生。面對複雜的供應鏈,每位成員皆有各自的利益考量。對消費者而言,產品品質與顧客滿意度有關,顧客滿意度又影響其退貨意願,然而高品質產品會使得製造商須負擔較高的生產成本。對零售商而言,製造商的退貨政策可刺激其訂購量,且雙方可共同承擔產銷不確定性的風險,然而寬鬆的退貨政策雖會刺激市場需求及增加訂購量,卻可能讓零售商承擔較高的退貨成本。不僅如此,製造商除了考量產品品質與退貨政策所帶來的利益,透過產品模組化亦能增加退貨品的殘值以減少退貨損失,因而使其願意提供更寬鬆的退貨政策。基於此,本研究模式乃建構在一個包含製造商、零售商以及消費者的可退貨產品之二階分散式及集中式(two-echelon decentralized and centralized)兩種供應鏈,以求解零售商的最佳訂購量以及製造商的最佳設計品質與產品模組化水準,可使整體供應鏈利潤最大化。
本論文分為三個部分。首先,本研究將產品設計品質的概念分別導入二階分散式及集中式供應鏈,求解最佳訂購量及設計品質水準,使其利潤最大化。之後,將產品模組化與顧客退貨率(customer return rate)的概念亦導入上述兩種供應鏈,同樣地求解最佳訂購量及模組化水準,使其利潤最大化。最後,考量製造商同時具有產品設計品質與模組化的能力,求解可使整體利潤最大化之最佳決策。本研究結果證實,製造商的退貨政策和產品設計品質(或產品模組化)及零售商的訂購量兩者有顯著關聯,且影響整體供應鏈之利潤最大化。當製造商考量產品設計品質的能力時,若採取較寬鬆的退款(refund)政策時,則須提升產品的設計品質水準;而且,當製造商考量模組化的能力時,若採取較寬鬆的退款政策時,則須提升產品的模組化水準。另一方面,當製造商同時考量產品設計品質與模組化的能力時,若採取較寬鬆的退款政策時,則須同時提升產品的設計品質水準與模組化水準;不過,一旦製造商採取固定的退款政策且提供較高的設計品質水準時,則須降低模組化水準,以避免負擔較高成本。
This dissertation investigates the effects of the manufacturer’s refund policy on the retailer’s unsold products for the two-echelon decentralized and centralized supply chains of a short life and returnable product, in which the retailer can return the unsold products, including returns from customers, to the manufacturer. For each returnable supply chain, the profit-maximization model with the optimal decisions is obtained.
This work involves three topics. For each returnable supply chain, the study first investigates both the effects of the manufacturer’s design quality and the refund of unsold products on the retailer’s order quantity, and subsequently examines both the effects of the manufacturer’s product modularity and refund policy on the order quantity. The results confirm that both the level of design quality and the refund policy affect the optimal order quantity and that both the customer return rate and the order quantity affect the optimal modularity level of the product. In addition, when the manufacturer adopts a more generous refund percentage for an unsold product, the optimal level of design quality (or modularity level) should be increased. Last, the study considers a chain with simultaneous design quality and product modularity, and shows that when the manufacturer adopts a generous refund percentage for a decentralized supply chain, then the optimal level of design quality and modularity level should be increased simultaneously, and that when the manufacturer produces a high quality product and adopts a fixed refund percentage at the same time, the optimal modularity level should be reduced; if not, the manufacturer would product a highly modular product. This implies that the allocation of resources with regard to design quality and product modularity can profitable by improving the product performance and reducing the costs associated with returned products when considering a high quality product with modularity.
Finally, managerial insights by comparing both chains are offered.
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