

作者(外文):Huang, Yen-Fei
主題關鍵詞:適應性號誌控制基因模糊邏輯控制器逐步學習演算法混合格位傳遞模式adaptive signal controlgenetic fuzzy logic controllerstepwise learning algorithmmixed-traffic cell transmission model
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交通號誌控制理論面上大致可分為離線(off-line)控制與線上(on-line)控制,離線控制主要是事先經由調查員調查各時段之車流資料特性,然後經由號誌時制軟體運算求得適當之號誌時制並放入控制器內加以執行運作。惟此控制方式難以因應瞬息萬變之車流量變動並即時更改時制計畫,其中定時號誌控制(pretimed signal control)就屬此類;至於線上控制方式也就是考慮動態的觀念,利用偵測器(detector)即時的自動傳回各種車流資料,再經由軟體運算後得到一新時制計畫,然後迅速回傳予路口控制器加以執行,因此可以即時反映交通車流狀況。
觸動式號誌控制、動態號誌控制以及適應性號誌控制均屬於線上控制的範疇,其中,適應性號誌控制由於具有彈性、適用性及最佳化等特性,因此,在近年來被廣泛使用。一些較著名的適應性號誌控制如SCATS、SCOOT及OPAC等,然上述模式均以數學式來研定其控制變數之門檻值,並據以作為控制邏輯之核心,但由於交通狀況充滿著不確定性,倘若以明確值來訂定門檻,恐怕會造成控制績效的不彰。基此,近年來有一些研究透過模糊邏輯控制器(fuzzy logic controller, FLC)來改善此問題。透過偵測器所收集之交通資料,可以應用FLC來決定號誌時相及時制計畫。然在FLC控制系統中,雖然推論引擎及解模糊化方法都有一貫的理論依據可遵循,但對於邏輯規則及隸屬函數必須由訪談專家加以主觀設定,導致其應用性大受影響。故近年來漸有相關研究利用人工智慧方法,例如基因演算法(Genetic algorithms, GAs)之樣本學習方法建構FLC,以克服主觀設定偏頗之問題。然而,透過基因演算法同時或連續學習邏輯規則及調整隸屬需要耗費相當多的時間以及產生部分不合理的學習結果。
為了避免上述的缺點,本研究根據反覆GFLC (Chiou and Lan, 2005),提出一逐步迴歸的模糊邏輯控制器(Stepwise Genetic Fuzzy Logic Controller, SGFLC),來學習邏輯規則及調整隸屬函數。逐步演算法選擇邏輯規則及隸屬函數之概念與逐步迴歸相似,在既有規則庫中,一次僅選擇一個能使適合度值改善最大的規則,直到入選的規則均無法改善適合度值則停止,則規則庫內之所有規則即為最佳規則。
On-line traffic signal control typically feeds the real-time traffic data, collected by the sensors, into a build-in controller to produce the timing plans. Thus, it can provide signal-timing plans in response to real-time traffic conditions. Because of its flexibility, applicability and optimality, adaptive signal control tends to be the mainstream of signal controls nowadays. The well-known adaptive signal controllers employ mathematical equations or models to determine “crisp” threshold values as the cores of control mechanism; thus, the control performance could be negatively affected by the uncertainty of traffic conditions. Since a fuzzy control system has excellent performance in data mapping as well as in treating ambiguous or vague judgment, many works have employed fuzzy set theory to develop fuzzy logic controllers (FLC). In FLC systems, both inference engine and defuzzification have been consistently used in previous literature; however, methods for formulating the rule base (logic rules) and data base (membership functions) are subjectively preset, not optimally solved. Employing GAs to construct an FLC system with learning process from examples, hereafter termed as genetic fuzzy logic controller (GFLC), can not only avoid the bias caused by subjective settings of logic rules or membership functions but also greatly enhance the control performance. However, to simultaneously or sequentially learn of logic rules and membership functions may require a rather lengthy chromosome and large search space, resulting into poor performance, a long convergence time and unreasonable learning results (i.e. conflicting or redundant logic rules, irrational shapes of membership functions).
To avoid abovementioned shortcomings, based on the iterative GFLC (Chiou and Lan, 2005), this study proposes a stepwise genetic fuzzy logic controller (SGFLC) to learn both logic rules and membership functions. At each learning process, the proposed algorithm selects one logic rule which can best contribute to the overall performance controlled by previously selected logic rules combined with this selected rule. Such a selection procedure will be repeated until no other rule can ever improve the control performance. Therefore, the incumbent combination of logic rules is the near optimal learning results.
In order to develop a SGFLC-based signal control requires an efficient traffic simulation model to replicate traffic behaviors and to determine the performance of the control logic. Many studies use microscopic traffic simulation software to simulate the urban signal control and implement the optimized signal policy. However, such simulation software is rather time consuming, making it better for evaluating the control performance for a given signal control model but not suitable for the evolution of genetic generations for model training. For the learning efficiency of SGFLC and the capability in capturing traffic behaviors of Asian urban streets where mixed traffic of cars and motorcycles are prevailing, the mixed traffic cell transmission model (MCTM) is introduced to replicate the traffic behaviors.
This study considers traffic flows and queue lengths of cars and motorcycles as the state variables and extension of green time as the control variable, towards the minimization of total vehicle delays. To investigate the control performance of the proposed SGFLC model, comparisons of two pre-timed timing plans and three adaptive signal timing models are conducted at an isolated intersection. Results show our proposed SGFLC model performs the best. Moreover, as traffic flows vary more noticeably, the SGFLC model performs even better than any other models.
In the case of a 3-intersection arterial under four coordinated signal systems i.e., simultaneous, progressive, alternate and independent, both experimental example and field case study show that the proposed SGFLC model can perform better than any adaptive control models, suggesting that the proposed SGFLC signal control model is efficient, robust and applicable.
Moreover, it is well-known that the control performance of signal coordination would be greatly degraded as the number of coordinated intersections increases. Thus, this study also combines SGFLC with GAs for optimizing the number of coordinated intersections along a long corridor. The experimental example shown that the proposed hybrid model can increase total throughput along the corridor through an optimal coordinated intersections.
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