

作者(外文):Ming-Yen Lee
主題關鍵詞:外源性變遷文化的層次企業商品住宅開發華人文化exogenous changecorporationlevels of culturecommercial housing developmentChinese culture
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一個社會的現代化變遷,主要是仰賴科技與制度兩項基礎轉變的催化,然而對於西方先進國家而言,科技與制度對社會所造成的現代化演變是屬於內源性的文化變遷(endogenous change),是該社會的一種長期與和緩的發展過程;但對於後進社會國家而言,現代化是屬於外源性的文化變遷(exogenous change),是一種該社會須經歷不斷修正與調整外在文化刺激的磨合過程。
Modernization of a society is based on two fundamental progressions, technology and system. However, for a leading society, the modernizing is an endogenous change which is rooted in the internal culture elements with a long-term and stable process. On the other hand, for a following society, the modernizing is an exogenous change which is impacted by the external culture elements with an ongoing process of modifying and justifying.
The operation of a corporation is also based on the evolution of technology and system. This study attempts to figure out the impact on the operation of business organizations after the concept of corporation enters a follower society (Chinese society) and how local culture would justify and modify the products (corporations) of leading societies.
In this study, I adapt a qualitative approach to compare the business of commercial housing development of construction companies in Kaohsiung with prototypical developers in a leading society. The analysis based on general business decree, natural criteria decree and specific decree to excludes the adjustment of construction companies upon general business criteria and the adjustment to meet natural difference. Therefore I infer that the rest adjustments are impacted by the local culture in Chinese society to create the new specific functions which are different from the functions of the prototypical developers.
According to the perspective of levels of culture, this study suggests that local culture in Chinese society does not adjust and modify housing engineering techniques adopted by corporations. After modern construction technology is introduced in a follower society, it gradually roots and replaces the original construction technique. However, as to prototypical developers’ capital management, product design and product marketing, the original cultural values would conflict with those in a follower society. Thus, the construction company adjusts and modifies prototypical developers’ business functions with the use of guanxi, the expectation of function of family and respect and fear of environment in Chinese society to develop the new functions which can be accepted by local culture.
In the end, I state that based on family-centered cultural basic assumption, Chinese society forms goods transaction model upon buyout system. It also justifies and modifies the business model for a construction company which thus distributes functions to different firms by outsourcing to disperse the risk of buyout transaction instead of adopting the prototypical model of the developers in the leading countries which makes one corporation to dominate all the development process.
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