

作者:王安民 引用關係
作者(外文):Wang, An-Ming
主題關鍵詞:新經濟地理聚集與分散土地價格效果地方公共財new economic geographyagglomeration and dispersionlandprice effectlocal public good
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本論文包含三篇關於經濟地理之文章。第二章(第一篇文章)題目為「空間之聚集與分散:再訪Helpman模型」,呈現一調整的Helpman (1998)模型,增加一可交易的農業財以及將製造業生產函數修改為Forslid and Ottaviano (2003)之設定,以確認該兩區域經濟模型中所有可能之空間結構。這個研究清楚顯示:(1)完全聚集之均衡不存在於此模型中;(2)對稱分配始終為均衡狀態,如同Forslid and Ottaviano (2003)之結果;(3)系統中存在至多兩個關於對稱分配穩定性的貿易自由度內部解,亦即,一個破裂點以及兩個破裂點之結果;(4)當不同製造業財貨間替代彈性足夠大時,分散黑洞存在;(5)隨著貿易自由度逐漸上升,最終必導致空間的穩定分散均衡。此外,第二章亦分解出該模型中四種影響空間結構之效果:市場規模效果、市場擁擠效果、生活成本效果以及都市擁擠效果,並以圖形顯示這些效果或力量如何隨著貿易自由度逐漸上升而產生出各種不同之空間結構。
This dissertation includes three essays on economic geography. Chapter 2 (the first essay) entitled “Spatial Agglomeration and Dispersion: Revisiting the Helpman Model” presents a modified Helpman model (1998) with an added tradable agriculture good, and modifies the manufacturing production function according to Forslid and Ottaviano (2003) to identify all possible spatial configurations of a two-region economy. This study clearly shows that: (1) The full-agglomeration equilibrium does not exist in this model; (2) The symmetric distribution is a persistent equilibrium as Forslid and Ottaviano (2003); (3) There exist at most two interior solutions of trade freeness with respect to stability of the symmetric distribution, i.e. one break point and two break point solutions; (4) Dispersion black hole exists if substitution elasticity between different manufactured goods is sufficiently large; (5) Increase in trade freeness eventually results in an even spatial dispersion. Moreover, the current work neatly separates the four spatial shaping effects: market size effect, market crowding effect, cost of living effect, and urban congestion effect, and diagrammatically exposes how these forces shape spatial configurations as the degree of trade freeness increases.
Chapter 3 (the second essay) entitled “The Price Effect on Spatial Structure: Revisiting the New Economic Geography Model” adds a factor of production, land, to the standard core-periphery model of the New Economic Geography (NEG) to analyze the effect of land rent on the price index and spatial structure. The result indicates that when production of the manufacturing sector has high dependence on land, and high demand elasticity for differentiated goods, the price index of the core region is higher than that of the periphery, and that the price index could rise with a degree of agglomeration. Meanwhile, the market forces cannot generate a core-periphery structure, which indicates the significance of the price effect on spatial structure.
Chapter 4 (the third essay) entitled “Agglomeration, Tax, and Local Public Goods” explores the interaction between taxation and a local public good (LPG) to see how it impacts the spatial pattern in the framework of NEG. In the benchmark case of a pure LPG, the system displays a similar location pattern to the existing NEG taxation model, although the tax reduces the market size of manufactured goods. However, when we consider the inherent congestion of an LPG, we find a new agglomeration force due to the demand of the LPG and a new dispersion force due to its congestion. As a result of their interaction, the congestability is crucial in determining the spatial location pattern.
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