

作者(外文):Chen, Yu-Shan
主題關鍵詞:靜態平衡動作控制感覺動作視覺障礙static balanceequilibriumpostural swayvisual impairment
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目的:人體的平衡控制能力主要是由中樞神經系統所掌控,包括大腦、小腦與脊髓等,透過本體感覺接收器(propriocetive receptor)、內耳前庭系統 (vestibular system) 及視覺系統(visual system) 等神經訊息的傳入,再執行命令。視覺障礙青少年在不同障礙程度的視覺輸入,靜態平衡能力的表現會如何?本研究目的欲探討性別對視覺障礙青少年維持靜態平衡能力的表現差異,以及BMI是否對視覺障礙青少年的維持靜態平衡的能力有影響。方法:39名介於13-18歲視覺障礙青少年受試者,平均年齡 16.23 ± 1.28歲,平均身高 163.07 ± 10.07公分,平均體重 60.80 ± 17.94公斤。將受試者依美國盲人協會規範,按個別的視覺障礙程度分為B1、B2與B3三組;另外,再依中華民國行政院衛生署青少年肥胖定義(BMI標準),將受試者體重分為過輕、適中與過重三組,分別靜止站立各15秒、30秒與60秒,利用FiTRO Sway平衡力板,檢測四項參數:身體搖晃速度、偏離Center of Pressure平均距離與前後搖晃(A-P)、左右晃動(M-L)的偏移。有剩餘視覺的B2組與B3組,分別加測張眼與閉眼的比較。結果:女性受試者維持靜態平衡能力優於男性;視覺障礙B2組與B3組,在張眼與閉眼的表現,大致一致;BMI過重組在靜態平衡能力的表現最差。結論:本研究發現視覺障礙青少年維持靜態平衡能力的表現,女性優於男性;再者,BMI過重組在維持靜態平衡能力的表現最差,體重控制,確實是影響視覺障礙青少年維持靜態平衡的重要因素。
Purpose: Adolescents with vision impairment exhibits different response to static balance tests, due to the degree of vision impairment. However, few studies report the differences in static balance ability between male and female adolescents with vision impairment. The purpose of this study aimed to investigate the individual’s static balance ability among adolescents with different degree of visual impairment, and determined the influence of bodyweight and gender on static balance task. Methods: Thirty-nine visually impaired students (aged 16.23±1.28 years, height 163.07±10.07 cm, weight 60.80±17.94 kg) were voluntarily participated in this study. Subjects were categorized based on the degree of vision impair, bodyweight and gender. All subjects performed static balance tasks on a force plateform (FiTRO Sway, FiTRONiC, SK) for a duration of 15, 30 and 60 seconds with eyes open and eyes close conditions.The static balance parameters, including velocity of the body’s oscillation, mean distance away from Center of Pressure, and the COP displacement along sagittal and transversal axis were determined. Results: This study found that female subjects showed better static balance compared to male subjects, the difference was signifucantly different. There is no significant difference while the subjects stand on the force plateform with eyes open and eyes closed. Adolescents’ bodyweight influence the static balance among subjects, underweight subjects have significantly higher static balance than that of overweight subjects. Conclusion: The results conclude that static balance could be different between male and female subjects. Furthermore, bodyweight has a significant role on static balance.
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