

作者:廖英凱 引用關係
主題關鍵詞:品牌權益品牌信任品牌忠誠度品牌個性購物意願口碑Brand equityBrand trustBrand loyaltyBrand personalityPurchase intentionWord-of-mouth
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2012年 Gambetti, Graffigna, and Biraghi等學者,指出過去與品牌權益相關之研究不足之處有三點:(1)重視認知面多於經驗面(2)多數探討著重消費者個體之行為,未將社會或關係面 一併納入考量(3)通常是片面式的部份探討品牌權益。過去尚未有研究能夠將影響品牌之前因、中介、干擾及變果變數進行充分之整合。本研究特別整合三前因變數、三類中介變數、三類干擾變數及三個結果變數來探討影響品牌權益之效果,各類變數間之相關也將探討。本研究藉由學者及品牌行銷實務經理人來加以確認品牌權益的重要變數及其關聯性(study1),並對過去的相關研究之後設分析(study2)來提出一整合型架構對品牌權益做一通盤的研究,以填補以上之研究空缺。最後再用調查方法來實證(study3),確認該整合型架構是合乎現代品牌權益之影響力。研究結果證實經驗面之變數在建立品牌權益及提升消費者行為意圖上亦具有重要影響力,而品牌個性、品牌信任及品牌忠誠度對於品牌權益都具有正面顯著的直接影響或間接影響。再者,關係及心理干擾變數對於品牌權益與品牌偏好、行為意圖及口碑都有顯著干擾效果。
One of the most critical marketing topics which has been discussed extensively by both academicians and practitioners over the past decades is brand equity. A lot of previous studies have focused on this research issue, particularly on the determinants of brand equity. However, the results are still inconclusive and a comprehensive relationship framework is yet to be developed.
Previous studies regarding brand-related constructs have been criticized as (1) too much focus on mental activation rather than experiential perception of brand equity, (2) too much focus on individual dimension of consumer behavior that neglects the influences of social, cultural, and relational context of brand equity on consumer behavior, and (3) too much focus on many fragmented views of brand equity, which may be significant with partial representation, but neglect to develop a comprehensive framework of brand equity. This study aims to fill these research gaps by integrating previous literature and developing a comprehensive framework to identify the antecedents, mediators, moderators, and consequences of brand equity. Twenty-eight research hypotheses were developed and validated in this study.
In order to verify the appropriateness of the proposed research framework and research design based on literature review, this study first adopted a series of in-depth interviews to collect data from experts. The research framework was modified based on the comments of the experts. A meta-analysis and a survery were conducted to empirically test the viability of the the framework. The results indicated that three major dimensions of variables, including cognitive factors, experiential factors, and marketing factors have significant influences on brand equity. Brand personality, brand trust, and brand loyalty have served as three of the mediators that can mediate the influences of cognitive, experiential, and marketing factors on brand equity. Furthermore, brand equity can be a significant indicator of brand preference, behavioral intention, and word of mouth toward the brand. Two major aspects of moderators, including relational moderators and psychological moderators can amplify the influence of brand equity on brand preference, behavioral intention, and word of mouth.
Since most of the previous studies do not integrate into a more comprehensive framework of brand equity, the results of this study have provided as an important reference for academicians to conduct further empirical validations on the research of brand equity. The results are also very useful for professionals to identify their marketing and promotion strategies to enhance brand equity and the profitability of the firm.
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