

主題關鍵詞:基督徒諮商師基督徒諮商師身分認同專業認同同志處遇Christian counselorsChristian counselors’ identityProfessional IdentityLGBT Counseling
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This study mainly researches for the Christian counselors’ identity construction: formation context, content and influence. With the grounded theory of quality research, it proceeds the analysis with the interview data among the twelve research participants.
There are nine significant elements forming Christian counselors’ identity, they are “Awareness profession and belief value conflict” 、 “ Regarding the professional tasks as the important occasion of the belief practicing” 、“The promotion of awareness profession limit and the efficiency of helping people from taking the belief into the consultation”, “The interaction of positive and negative experiences with the Christian professional workers”, “Depending on the requirements of serving the Christian party”, “Beneficial to the initiation of consulting professional training”, “Adapting the flexible viewpoints from taking the belief into the consultation’s moral principles”, “On duty at the Christian working occasion is helpful to maintain the identity”, and “The counselors themselves suffer from the adjustment in life experience of God”.
There are ten elements in Christian counselor identifiers’ identification contents, they are “Measuring the belief and weighing professional viewpoints carefully which formed the situational style”, “To elaborate the treatment and welfare of the party by praying”, “ Not forgetting the duty to convey the Gospel”, “ Be used to relying on God to help the party’s situation”, “ the performance of personal speaking and acting cautiously”, “Valuing God and his missions in professional entrusting”, “Verifying the moral confines that the belief involved”, “Regarding the Christian identity as the first concern”, “Keeping the personal belief and also respect the value differences of the parties”, and “Observing the philosophy of belief bring the possibility of oppression”.
The effects to the professional practicing which from the Christian counselors’ identity, it separated into generality and particularity. 1. The generality contributes to six factors, they are “Desire more that follow the belief value to put the profession into practice”, “ Avoid a double-edged knife of the dogmatism: Who was righteous in his own eyes and condemnation tendency”, “ Expecting to seek the integration of the working occassion to the belief and profession”, “ Pay attention to the behavior and thought of the God when under the situation”, “ Willing to devote rewardlessly to the professional jobs”, and “ Continue seeking the training and ability promotion in profession and belief integrating method.”2. The particularity, it holds the attitude and method to the Christian counselors’ identity for “ homosexual situation” and “ the bill for diverse family formation”. It possesses the opposite standpoint, and it should have the corresponding belief and professional concern.
Those influences to the belief practicing which from the Christian counselors’ identity, it contributes to five elements, they are “Cherish and desire much more to the connetion with the God” 、“Expecting the relaible belief basis of sharpen work ” 、“Producing the conflicts and adjustments of the belief system” 、“Willing to provide church with the professional services” and “Seeing the sense of meaning of life and work”.
Based on the research consequence above, the researcher would offer the related suggestions to the counselors’ education and Christian counselors.
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