

作者(外文):Cho, Chien-Ju
主題關鍵詞:問題解決能力影響因素problem solvingabilityinfluential factor
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Problem solving ability is very important for individuals and organizations. Previous studies for this ability lacked multi-faceted exploration, had not known its complete influential factors, and let alone provide full recommendations to improve this ability. In order to fill the gap of previous studies for problem solving ability, this study used the process of solving problems as a basis to clarify multi-faceted problem solving ability, to discover its influential factors, and to understand what individuals and groups of different levels could contribute. This study interviewed twenty subjects evenly distributed in five main categories: business leaders, college professors, parents, elementary school teachers, and college seniors. This study finds that first; problem solving ability can be conceptualized as the combination of all abilities required in the problem solving process, which can be divided into five major levels and twelve dimensions. Specifically, the five levels are attitude of encountering problems, discovering problems, implementing plans, examining results, and preventing problems. Second, factors that influence problem solving ability have individual factors (personality and attitude), familial factors (socio-economic status, parenting styles, number of siblings, and family structure), school factors (teachers’ teaching styles and participation in clubs), as well as environmental factors (company incentive systems, teamwork, and life experiences). Third, based on the results of the interviews, practical recommendations for enhancing problem solving ability are provided to government, social and media, enterprise employers, school, teachers, parents, and students.
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