

作者(外文):Ya-Lan Chien
主題關鍵詞:自我調節焦點典型性產品使用情境基模一致性self-regulatory focustypicalityproduct usage contextschema congruity theory
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Products like champagne are strongly associated with typical benefits or certain usage contexts. This usage typicality easily reminds people of the product on specific occasions, but may limit product versatility and growth potential in the marketplace. This research aims to explore the possibility that a product with typical usages can extend its usability to atypical usage occasions. By drawing from the theory of self-regulatory focus and schema congruity theory, it is posited that people’s evaluations toward usage context vary by the degree of atypicality of use occasions. Compared with a preventional person, the promotional one’s evaluations of the usage contexts become more favorable because he or she sees greater gains from novelty benefits and fewer losses to risks or uncertainty associated with the moderate increase of atypicality. The relationship between consumers’ evaluations and level of typicality may present an inverted-U shape. For preventional people, their evaluations decrease monotonically as the atypicality increases, which is in accordance with the traditional notion that people generally resist changes that imply more risks and uncertainty. The proposed hypotheses are supported by results from two experiments on product use occasions and complementary products. Our findings may offer directions for marketers to expand their product typical usage context and the expansion of typical product usage context would help sale volume, and give rise to higher profitability.
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