

作者(外文):Ho Chao Chung
主題關鍵詞:層級分析法失效模式與效應分析生物醫療廢棄物理想解類似度偏好順序評估法TOPSISAHPFMEABiomedical Waste
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提昇醫療品質已成為醫院目前的趨勢,近年來臺灣環保意識逐漸抬頭,醫院所產出的廢棄物也為人們所討論。IOM 出版之 「To Err is Human」 中估計,因醫療不良事件發生損失約170億至290億美元。而生物醫療廢棄物是否有被妥善處理,也會被列入醫療不良事件之中,因此本研究採用FMEA風險的評估方法先行找出評估的風險因子,再利用AHP方法找出每個準則的權重,最後運用TOPSIS方法用於生物醫療廢棄物委外評選流程。研究結果可得到醫院在生物醫療廢棄物委外評選重要風險因子項目及重要性排序,並可供其他醫院在生物醫療廢棄物委外管理時做為參考。
Improvement of medical quality has become a trend in hospital development. In recent years, environmental protection has become a rising issue in Taiwan, and people have begun to discuss the biomedical waste that comes from hospitals. According to an estimate in “To Err is Human,” published by Institute of Medicine, the economic loss resulting from medical malpractice is about $17 to $29 billion, and the question of whether biomedical waste is properly disposed of is included as an incident of medical malpractice. Therefore, this study aims to study FMEA risk evaluation in order to screen out evaluation factors. Subsequently, the AHP is employed to determine the weight of each factor. Lastly, TOPSIS is employed in the process of biomedical waste outsourcing. The results of the study provide hospitals with biomedical outsourcing critical risk factor criteria and their order by importance, and as a reference for the management of biomedical waste disposal outsourcing.
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