

作者:王強強 引用關係
作者(外文):Thomas ChiangBlair
主題關鍵詞:國家的競爭力品牌中國民族認同國家形象國家聲譽Competitiveness of a nationBrand ChinaNation IdentityNation ImageNation Reputation
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為了達到我們的目的,本論文採用品牌中國作為一個例子; 本文旨在探討中國當前的感知形像,並辨認其形象和現實之間的“差距”。藉著定義國家競爭力的元素,該研究人員可以制定一個策略模式,以幫助國家提高整體的身份,形象和聲譽。憑藉著對這主題先進的研究,我們可以有更好的方法與更佳的認識,且它可能會使國家的未來經濟發展受益與採用。因此,本文的主要貢獻是填補了這領域的研究文獻空白,並對國家的競爭力提供了一個定義。
With the ever-increasing of globalization, all countries must compete with each other for the attention and respect of investors, tourists, consumers, donors, immigrants, and governments of other nations. Therefore, competitiveness of a nation is one of the most important concepts for any nations in the modern day. It is an idea that had generated much interest for countries such as United States, Germany, France, etc., and now China. All those nations all brought in experts to help them tinker with their nation’s identities and image. If any of those nations is lucky enough to have a powerful and positive image, it could provide a crucial competitive advantage over other nations. Therefore, it is inevitable that many countries would turn through branding.
The general assumption about competitiveness of a nation is any attribute that can associate with a country, which affects nation’s brand identity, image and reputation. The only problem is that there are no clear definitions what it is or what attributes actually make up of it. Therefore, it is difficult to find an adequate theory and model that would reflect comprehensiveness of this subject. Hence, due to the lack of awareness on the subject, it raises many questions such as what is national image branding. What parts of the nation is being branded? Is it possible to branding a nation? What are the tools and measurement need for national image branding? Does a nation actually need branding? What effect of branding has on a nation?
In order to achieve our purposes, the dissertation used brand China as an example; dissertation intended to explore the current perceived image of China and to identify the “gap” between its image and its reality. By defining what competitiveness of a nation’s element is, the researcher could formulate a strategic model, which will help nations improve their overall identities, images and reputations. With the advanced research on the subject, we can possess better methods and understanding, and it could be benefit countries economic development and use in the future. Therefore, the main contributions of the dissertation are to fill a major gap in the literature and provide a working definition on competitiveness of a nation.
The dissertation was designed to show not only conventional brand management techniques that can be applied to a nation, but also to provide some in-depth background on the context and nature of the subject. This dissertation offered a multidisciplinary approach and an affluent exploitation of different perspectives regarding the controversial topic. The dissertation was trying to contribute to a better measurement of the nation reputation of nation construct and to develop an agenda for future research.
The research found three significant facts within competitiveness of a nation 1) the mechanisms by which a nation’s reputation can influences people’s attitudes toward nation’s products, 2) the extent to which the reputation of a nation can be manipulated easily by different media and, 3) marketing may be the keys to unlock such cultural barriers. The nation’s overall reputation as a result of the interplay between the different brand images in relation to reality as well as reflecting the attitudes, and especially the supportive potentials and supportive behaviors of all relevant stakeholders.
The study does not claim to have arrived at a definitive definition or a model for competitiveness of a nation, but it has arrived at a working definition of the strategically managed process of applying branding techniques to a nation in order to gain competitive advantages by improving the perceived image and promoting the principle values of the nation.
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