

作者(外文):Ya-Fei Yang
主題關鍵詞:合作學習ARCS動機模式雙人結對程式設計學習風格同儕教導Collaborative LearningARCS ModelPair ProgrammingLearning StylePeer Tutoring
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本研究旨在探討不同學習風格之學生在雙人結對程式設計(pair programming)活動中,擔任不同角色對學習成就與學習動機的影響,並探討不同學習風格與不同角色之間是否具有交互作用。研究指出數位學習較專注於學生的學習成果而忽略了學習動機,瞭解學生的動機狀態可以提升學生在學習過程的理解;激勵學生的學習動機,並採取有效的激勵策略,可以正面影響學生的學習動機使其更加投入於學習活動。合作學習常應用於實際的教學現場,透過互相交流知識以及互相學習的環境,讓學習方式更具自發性與自主性,除了可以精熟學習目標之外,比起獨立學習的學生可以獲得更高層次的思想。
許多程式設計教學的研究都將合作學習視為一有效之學習策略,透過同儕之間互動討論、彼此交流,藉以提升學習者的學習成效與學習動機。雙人結對程式設計即為一著名的合作學習(collaborative learning) 策略應用於程式教學中,擁有良好的資料結構及演算法,便能提昇程式的執行效率,然而多數學生在學完資料結構課程後,卻無法將所學實際應用於程式寫作技巧。而多數文獻皆指出雙人結對程式設計活動可以降低編寫程式時觀念上的錯誤、提高程式品質並增加程式編輯者的信心,有效地強化其程式編輯的能力。學習風格(learning style)亦是影響學習的一重要因素,每位學習者皆有獨特的學習方式,若教學者能調整教學的方法,以符合學習者的偏好與風格時,將能大大提高學習者的學習動機與成就。
綜整以上,本研究探討在一對一(one-on-one)共同學習程式設計的情境之下對學習動機相關因素的影響,設計二階段實驗,首先比較學生在宏觀與微觀兩種不同的程式註記作業活動對於學習動機的影響,再比較不同學習風格擔任不同角色是否對學習成就造成差異。學習動機採用ARCS動機量表來評估學生學習動機,區分為注意力(Attention),關聯(Relevance),信心(Confidence)和滿足(Satisfaction)四面向。研究結果顯示逐行註解(code description comments)的結對程式設計學習活動,對於學生的學習動機有較顯著的影響,並可以提高自信心與學習保留;根據二因子變異數分析(Two-way ANOVA)之檢定結果可得知,本研究所發展的雙人結對程式設計活動,搭配學習風格與合適的角色,可以有效提升學生的學習成效;而主動型學習風格學生擔任操任者、反思型學生擔作觀察者的配對方式得到較高的學習動機並且在學習成就上達到顯著的效果。
Collaborative learning is an activity in which two or more students learn something together. Many studies have found that collaborative learning methods can improve students' time on tasks and motivation to learn. Data Structure, a very important basic curriculum, is regarded as a mandatory course in computer-related departments in colleges. Students with a good background of both data structure and algorithm are able to increase coding efficiency. However, most of students fail to demonstrate their coding skills after learning data structure course. Previous research pointed out that Pair Programming can decrease errors made by students in coding, increase coding quality, promote their confidence, as well as enhance their coding ability.
Peer Instruction (PI) is one of the most successful evidence-based collaborative learning methods. This thesis investigates issues of student motivation in learning data structures courses through a one-on-one PI collaborative learning activity. Students typically suffer from the concepts of data structure vague, the related programs complex and difficult to comprehend. Pair programming was conducted to scaffold university students understanding data structures by comment in related programs. To investigate students’ motivational status, the ARCS model was used to evaluate students’ motivation in each of four dimensions: Attention, Relevance, Confidence and Satisfaction. Moreover, three items about the retention of learning were added to measure how information is lost over time. Every “pair” was asked to comment on the programs representing a specific data structure concept.
The control groups were asked to elaborate on the data structure programs by adding algorithmic description comments to the beginning of programs. The experimental groups were asked to elaborate on the data structures programs by adding code description comments to the data structures programs line by line. The experimental results show that the confidence and retention of learning in experimental groups are significantly better than those of the control group. The findings suggest that the effects of pair programming activities can be leveraged based on the understanding of students' motivation for and retention of learning.
According to the results of Two-way ANOVA, the proposed intervention could increase students learning performance. The reflective-style students had better learning achievement than active-style ones. From the view of role of learning activity, the reflective-style students are suitable to the role of observers because of better achievement rather than the active-style. As the role of drivers, non-significant difference occurred between two learning styles of students in learning achievement.
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