

主題關鍵詞:觀光凝視觀光地景觀光場景兩岸觀光旅遊後衝突觀光tourist gazetourism landscapetourism performancescross-strait tourismpost-conflict tourism
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臺灣海峽兩岸關係從1949年的緊張對立、不相往來,至2008年迄今的和緩和解、交流熱絡,其間的觀光發展情形適合做為後衝突觀光 (post-conflict tourism) 研究的例證。中國大陸觀光客自2010年起超越日本觀光客,成為境外來臺觀光的最大客源,對於臺灣觀光發展及觀光地景形成相當程度的影響。觀光凝視 (tourist gaze) 經由社會文化所建構,被凝視的對象對於凝視者而言具有特別的意義,而這被凝視對象的具體形象就是觀光地景 (tourism landscapes)。思考陸客凝視何物,以及該物何以被建構的成因,是理解其所身處「常態社會」(normal society) 的有效途徑,分析陸客凝視下的臺灣觀光地景,有助於發掘陸客凝視背後蘊含的社會文化意義。
虛擬空間的角色由於網路及行動通訊的普及化,顯得日益重要,並透過想像的滲透影響了實體空間,使得觀光地景的意象在虛、實世界之間不斷的流轉、再現。許多人透過網路相簿、遊記、部落格等社群媒體 (social media),記錄、傳送及分享旅遊經歷中的心情故事,經由這種方式所傳遞的訊息,往往因為減少與他人面對面接觸的干擾,更能代表內心的情感與意見,成為可資據以瞭解陸客凝視下的臺灣觀光地景的另一種文本。
本研究整合供應面、需求面及回饋面等3個構面,採取行動觀光民族學 (mobile tourism ethnography) 方法從事質性研究 (qualitative research),分別在實體世界中的臺灣北、中、南、東各主要陸客觀光景點,以及虛擬世界中的大陸主流網路旅遊論壇「螞蜂窩」(www.mafengwo.cn) 等網路遊記進行田野調查,嘗試發掘及詮釋陸客來臺觀光場景 (tourism performances) 的多元現象與意義。研究發現,透過陸客所接收與臺灣有關的電影、戲劇、音樂、網路遊記、部落格、官方教育及宣傳等文本的形塑與再形塑作用,使臺灣觀光地景再現豐富的內涵與多層次風貌。
The situation across Taiwan Straits has undergone different phases of conflict, hostility, tension and relaxation. The cross-strait tourism development is suitable as an empirical example for post-conflict tourism research. Mainland Chinese tourists have overtaken Japanese tourists as the biggest tourist group in Taiwan since 2010. Mainland Chinese tourist is one of the most important influencing factors of tourism development and tourism landscapes in Taiwan. Tourist gazes are constructed by social cultures. Those objects have been gazed, are significant for the gazers. The embodied forms of those objects are tourism landscapes. By considering how mainland Chinese construct their tourist gazes is a good way of getting at just what is happening in their ‘normal society’. By analyzing Taiwan’s tourism landscapes as texts that gazed by mainland Chinese tourists can contribute to finding the cultural and social meanings of their gazes.
The virtual space is increasingly important because of the popularity of the internet and mobile communications, which is also penetrating into the material space by imagination. Due to the reason above, it promotes tourism landscapes images to be circulated and represented continuously between the virtual world and the material world. Many people record, send and share their travel experiences and stories through web albums, travel notes, blogs, and other social media. The messages expressed by these ways could better represent mainland Chinese tourists’ inner feelings and real thoughts because of less face-to-face interferences, and are also texts which can make us understand Taiwan’s tourism landscapes under the gazes of mainland Chinese tourists.
The research adopted mobile tourism ethnography to do fieldworks in the major attractions for mainland Chinese tourists in Taiwan's northern, central, southern and eastern parts in the material world, as well as in mainland China’s mainstream internet travel forum, www.mafengwo.cn, in the virtual world. Trying to present and interpret the pluralistic phenomena and implications of the tourism performances of mainland Chinese tourists in Taiwan. The research has shown that the contents and appearances of Taiwan’s tourism landscapes have enriched by shaping and reshaping processes through mainland Chinese tourists received the texts of Taiwan-related movies, dramas, music, internet travel forum, blogs, official education and propaganda.
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