

主題關鍵詞:企業社會責任知覺管理者支持知覺顧客支持員工對公司認同感員工對顧客認同感工作意義工作滿意度corporate social responsibility (CSR)perceived management supportperceived customer supportemployee-company identificationemployee-customer identificationjob meaningfulnessjob satisfaction
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The use of corporate social responsibility (CSR) should be seen as a proper tool to develop a successful business strategy and to increase organizational attractiveness to employees and customers. This study establishes a conceptual model linking perceived CSR to job satisfaction among frontline employees at banking industry in Taiwan. The purposes of this study are to investigate that frontline employees’ perception on the CSR support of managers and customers subsequently influence their identification, and the consequence of employee job meaningfulness as well as satisfaction. This study employed purposive sampling method to collect 337 useful responses from 23 listed banks in Taiwan. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling. The findings showed that (a) CSR importance to employee moderated the positive effect of management support for CSR on employee-company identification, (b) customer support for CSR positively affected employee-customer identification, (c) employee-customer identification positive affected employee-company identification, (d) employee-company identification positive affected job satisfaction, and (e) job meaningfulness mediated the positive effect of employee-customer identification on job satisfaction. Taken together, the findings suggest important implications for banking industry practice and academic researches.
Chinese References
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沈中華、張元 (2008). 企業的社會責任為可以改善財務績效嗎?-以英國FTSE社會責任指數為例。經濟論文,36 (3), 339-385.

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