

主題關鍵詞:主觀幸福感正向心理資本健康促進生活型態負向情緒調節憂鬱subjective well-bingpositive psychological capitalhealth promoting lifestylenegative mood regulationdepression
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The main purposes of this study were to explore the interactive relationships of Junior High school students' mental health, positive psychological capital, health promoting lifestyle and negative mood regulation, and further to examine a path model of these variables. The participants in this study were 1150 junior high school students in Taiwan. Moreover, the employed instruments included the Inventory of Mental Health, the Inventory of Social Support, the Inventory of Positive Psychological Capital, the Inventory of Health Promoting Lifestyle, and the Inventory of Negative Mood Regulation. The collected data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA and SEM. The main findings of this study were as follows:
1. The scales were apporiate to evaluate junior high school students' mental health, positive psychological capital, health promoting lifestyle and negative mood regulation.
2. Subjective well-bing, positive psychological capital, health promoting lifestyle and negative mood regulation of junior high school students differed according to gender.
3. Subjective well-bing and health promoting lifestyle of junior high school students differed according to grade.
4. Subjective well-bing, positive psychological capital, and health promoting lifestyle of junior high school students differed according to experience for cllass cadres.
5. While positive psychological capital positively influenced their health promoting lifestyle and subjective well-being, subjective well-being positively influenced their depression. in addition, while positive psychological capital negatively influenced their depression via subjective well-being.
6. While positive psychological capital positively influenced their negative mood regulation and subjective well-being, subjective well-being positively influenced their depression. in addition, while positive psychological capital negatively influenced their depression via subjective well-being.
Finally, the researcher proposed some suggestions for education and future research.
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