

作者(外文):Fang-Mei Yang
主題關鍵詞:正向情緒心理資本學習動機positive emotionspsychological capitallearning motivation
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摘 要
1. 國中生的正向情緒、心理資本和學習動機都會因為家庭社經地位不同而有所差異。而心理資本還會因為年級不同而有所差異。
2. 國中生的正向情緒、心理資本與學習動機均呈現中度正相關。
3. 國中生的正向情緒和心理資本,都有助於提高學習動機;且正向情緒越多者,其心理資本越好。
4. 心理資本是國中生正向情緒對學習動機影響的中介變項。
5. 國中生正向情緒、心理資本與學習動機之結構方程模式具有良好的適配度,亦即正向情緒對學習動機有正向影響,心理資本對學習動機也有正向影響,且正向情緒會透過心理資本去影響學習動機。
The Study of the Relationship among Positive Emotions, Psychological Capital and Learning Motivation of Junior High School Students
The study aimed to explore the relationship among junior high school students’positive emotions, psychological capital, and learning motivation. The students of Taichung public junior high schools were taken as subjects, and 738 samples were valid. Questionnaire was adopted as the research method, and the Positive Emotion Scale, Psychological capital Scale, and Learning Motivation Scale were used as mearsuring instruments. The preexamine were designed under the expertise validity, and the items with unacceptable validity or reliability were eliminated to refine the formal scales. Descriptive statistics, t-test, analysis of variance (ANOVA), factor analysis, correlation analysis, linear regression and structural equation models were adopted to analyze the data. The main findings were as follows:
1. The positive emotions, psychological capital, and learning motivation of junior high school students were varied due to their family social-economic status. And the average psychological capital differed among the 7th, 8th, and 9th graders.
2. The correlation among positive emotions, psychological capital, and learning motivation of junior high school students was positive with the medium significant level.
3. The positive emotions and the psychological capital were with the significant prediction to the learning motivation.
4. The positive emotions and psychological capital of junior high school students were supportive to their learning motivation. Besides, the positive emotions and the psychological capital were positive correlated.
5. The structural equation model of the junior high school students’ positive emotions, psychological capital and learning motivation was with good fit; that is, positive emotions and the psychological capital would affect the learning motivation positively, and the positive emotions would influence the learning motivation with the intervetion of the psychological capital.
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