

題名:促進大學社會工作系與學生實習機構合作的 關係行銷策略之研究
作者(外文):WEN, JU-HUEY
指導教授:丁學 勤
主題關鍵詞:關係行銷社會工作實習合作關係實習教育relationship marketingsocial work internshipcollaborationinternship education
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一、產學合作面向: 實習機構督導參與課程諮詢與協同教學、教師提供實習機構在職訓練、雙方進行研究合作、學校建立團體督導機制、學校提供實習機構個案需求之服務、實習生擔任志工,回饋機構之策略。
二、社工課程教學面向: 重視並培養學生學習態度、開設實習前置教育課程、重視多元文化課程、延長實習時數以增進學生實務技巧。
三、人才培育暨留用面向: 學校發展服務領域適性量表,以協助機構培育合適人才;實習機構提供工讀機會,並留用實習優秀人才。
五、實習業務管理面向: 對長期穩定的合作關係有所共識、建立單一實習業務窗口便於聯繫與溝通、增進學生試探性實習課程、篩選適合學生符合機構期待、教師發揮督導功能。
The main purpose of the study is to understand the relationship marketing strategies between the social work departments in the universities and student internship organizations. Supplying well-trained workers would help to ease the social problems. It is essential for social workers to recognize social work as a profession and to care for the minority groups. Social work undergraduate students rely on the stage of the internship to develop the correct concepts. The collaboration between the social work departments in the universities and the internship organizations has a great influence on the outcomes students’’ internship. Therefore, this study had been explored the relationship marketing strategies to improve the collaboration with the internship organizations from the perspectives of the student internship organizations.
The interview outline of this study had been developed from the literature review and research question. Fifteen directors or supervisors of the internship organizations had been interviewed by qualitative research method and the data had been analyzed by theme analysis method. The study had been found successful strategies to promote the partnership between the internship organizations and the social work department including the following aspects:
1.Collaborated aspect between educational institutions and student internship organizations: curriculum advices and co-teaching from internship organizations university teachers provide the in-service training for the internship organizations, and both the teachers and internship organizations conduct research together, integrate academic and practical knowledge and skills. Universities then offer clients services and students might offer voluntary work after the internship.
2.Curriculum and teaching aspects in social work: courses focus on training students’ learning attitude, pre-field courses, multicultural curriculum and services provided by welfare agencies, and the extension of internship hours are keys to enhance students' practical skills.
3.Personnel training and employment aspects: using the university development services adaptability scale to help internship organizations nurture the right talent, vice versa, internship organizations provide part-time job opportunities to employ the talented students.
4.Future vision aspect: establish a cooperative program or collaborated mode in joint force.
5.Internship administrative management aspect: mutual consensus of both sides to a stable long-term cooperative relationship, single administrative contact window for easy communication, enhance students' exploratory internship programs, select students who can meet the requirements of internship organizations, and also assist teachers to perform good supervision.
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