

作者(外文):Shih-Wen Liu
主題關鍵詞:製程能力指標製程良率允收抽樣作業特性曲線鑑別力Process capability indexprocess yieldacceptance samplinglot sentencingOC curve
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允收抽樣在典型的品質管理和品質保證的相關領域中為一個相當實用的方法。允收抽樣透過生產者與顧客的品質共識,提供一個的決策規則以利貨批判決。因此,本文利用製程良率指標 建立一新型之計量型單次抽樣,更進一步地將其運用在三種不同抽樣策略(重複遞交抽樣、重複群集抽樣和多重相依狀態抽樣)下,使得貨批判決方法更加合適的應用在現今多元化的商業環境。文中不僅探討了三種抽樣策略的使用方法及特性,並比較各抽樣策略的所需樣本及作業特性曲線。最後,更進一步的透過三個實例來說明業者如何使用以 為基準的允收抽樣計畫來達到有效且可靠的貨批判決。
Following by the advance of technology and the innovation, the modern electronic appliances or products are designed with rigorous prerequisites to suffice for various market demands. Consequently, these products should be manufactured under the tolerable specifications and the process of producing goods should substance the consistent quality level (i.e. a stable process). Taking into consideration of a producer-consumer business occasion, once the products are delivered, the buyer should contemplate the quality of submission before accepting or rejecting the entire lot.
Acceptance sampling, one of the most practical tools in classical quality control and assurance applications, which deal with a quality contracting of product orders between the producers and their consumers. Acceptance sampling plans provide decision rules for lot sentencing to meet product quality needs required by producer and consumer. Hence, in the dissertation, a single sampling plan is developed and extensively applied as a reference plan for constructing other three situational sampling plans (resubmitted sampling plan, repetitive group sampling plan and multiple dependent states sampling plan), which can be adequately implemented for various producer-consumer occasions. The properties of each proposed sampling plan are investigated and the comparisons are provided. Finally, implementing with a business contract agreement using the proposed situational sampling plans, three case studies are demonstrated the applicability of our proposed methodologies.
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