

主題關鍵詞:行動銀行行動服務服務品質重要-績效缺口分析同步重要-績效分析Mobile BankingMobile ServiceService QualityIPGA (Importance Performance and Gap Analysis)SIPA (Simultaneous Importance-Performance Analysis)
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IPGA、DEMATEL、QFD、MBO、SIPA…等研究方法,已經被證實為有效提升服務品質及進行競爭比較的有效方法並廣泛應用於各領域中,但卻沒有學者將其整合起來建立系統化模式;故本研究以消費者、專家(管理者與學者)結合員工之多元觀點,先整合IPGA、 DEMATEL、QFD、MBO 進行行動銀行服務優化分析,然後以SIPA進行行動銀行競爭分析。
With the rapid development of mobile device and broadband network, the mobile service has become the medium for the public to make contact with enterprise and mobile service experience is also the key for customers to continue to use entity service. The development of mobile banking has been quite mature in European and American area, while the usage rate of mobile banking in Taiwan has not yet been popularized in an all-around way, the bank density in Taiwan is very high and the competition between banks is very fierce. Therefore, it will be particularly important to have good internal management and external competition analysis.
IPGA, DEMATEL, QFD, MBO, SIPA and other research methods have been proved to be effective to improve service quality efficiently and make a comparison in competition and have been widely used in various fields, but scholars have never integrated them together to establish systematic model. Therefore, with the combined diversified opinions of consumers, experts (managers and scholars) and staffs, this research integrates IPGA, DEMATEL, QFD and MBO to analyze the optimization of mobile banking service and then applies SIPA to analyze the competition of mobile banking.
First of all, by means of IPGA, DEMATEL, QFD and MBO, it can be found from the research results of the optimization of mobile service that privacy and safety, compensation and system availability are the main dimensions to be improved in service quality, and system availability and efficiency are the service quality factors to be improved preferentially. Therefore, the appointment of outstanding information talents and the purchase of high-quality system and equipment are the primary tasks for enterprise to carry out service optimization strategy. In order to implement the above-mentioned strategies, this research establishes the schedule control of management by objectives of mobile banking and performance evaluation form which have the practical value. In the end, SIPA is used to analyze external competition of mobile service and it is found that the main competition disadvantages of CTBC Bank are privacy, safety and efficiency. Thus, it is suggested that CTBC Bank should put more emphasis on customer privacy, intensify safety protection mechanism and improve system efficiency, so as to establish the level of trust of brand and increase customer loyalty.
It is proved by empirical result that the 5-stage service excellence and competition analysis model established in this research can be really used as the methods to analyze the excellence of internal service quality and external competitors. Thus, it is suggested that the follow-up scholars should apply this model to other related service industries to carry out service quality excellence and competition analysis.
中央銀行 (2016年11月12日)。金融統計月報。中央銀行全球資訊網,取自http://www.cbc.gov.tw/ct.asp?xItem=26178&CtNode=532



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