

主題關鍵詞:食品生技產業交易成本觀資源基礎觀統治結構競爭優勢Food Biotechnology IndustryTransaction Cost ViewResource Base ViewGovernance StructureCompetitive Advantage
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At beginning, this study conducted three cases study based on transaction cost view. Followed by sixteen represented cases of the food biotechnology industry on Taiwan, we tested the generalization of the result of pilot study. The discovery of this study provided an important observing direction for the problem of resource-based view that organizational capability is difficult to be identified. Observation on a single enterprise, it is difficult to understand the source and formation of its competitive advantage. However, when we wide the field of vision and extend the observing time, from the overall interests of the group and the relationship between the network, at the same time, consider that need for a long time to construct and layout, we can find how resources flow and accumulate within the governance structure. When using this resource of governance structure well, the group organizes its competitive advantage to create the performance of the enterprise group's target individuals, thereby establishing market value and getting important resources feedback. In addition, the empirical analysis of this study shows that the group governance structure strategy has a competitive advantage for operational performance. Furthermore, for a general business, the performance of enterprise meet the market value by normal P/E ratio, but enterprises with governance structure of groups, even if the performance has not yet shown, the market still give a relatively high market value.



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