

主題關鍵詞:股市連動保險市場經濟成長小波分析拔靴追蹤資料因果關係檢定法Stock Co-movementsInsuranceEconomic GrowthWavelet AnalysisBootstrap Panel Granger Causality Test
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Based on the theory of stock market co-movements and the mechanism of insurance promoting economic growth, this study utilizes the wavelet analysis and the bootstrap panel Granger causality test to investigate the relationship between the financial market (the stock market and the insurance market) and the economic growth in Group of Seven (G7). Results of the stock co-movement suggest that, strong co-movements exist in the stock market across the full-sample in G7 countries. The co-movements both cover the high-frequency interaction and low-frequency interaction, showing the stock co-movements not only depend on the short-term factors, but also depend on the long-term factors (real economic factors). To further investigate the role of economic growth in stock co-movement, this study takes the economic growth as the control variable. The results show that, the low frequency (long-term) positive linkage in the stock market is greatly weakened, which further proves that the long-term interaction of the real economy and the international trade could be reflected from the stock co-movement. The bootstrap panel Granger causality between the insurance and the economic growth shows that, the relationship between insurance market and economic growth is complex, and this complexity conforms to the law of insurance market development in different countries. Overall, this study proves a close correlation between financial markets and the real economy though differences between countries existing. Results of this study have far-reaching practical significance for the reasonable adjustment of financial market and the real economy in developed countries, and these results also have important reference significance for other economies (such as emerging countries).
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