

主題關鍵詞:中高年齡者代謝症候群阻力訓練運動中血壓middle-aged and elderly adultsmetabolic syndromeresistance trainingblood pressure during exercise
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Background: The rapid loss of muscle mass is common in middle-aged and elderly adults with metabolic syndrome due to lower physical activity and insulin resistance. The phenomenons reduce the abilities to maintain daily life ex. walking, climbing stairs, sitting to standing and increase fall risks. Resistance training can effectively improve muscle mass and reduce fall risk. However, given that during resistance training middle-aged and elderly adults with metabolic syndrome have a higher risk of developing exercise hypertension, early prevention is an important issue to be concerned. Purpose: The purpose of the study was to identify the changes of blood pressure after different intensities of resistance training in middle-aged and elderly adults with metabolic syndrome. Another aim was to find out the relationship between the risk factors of metabolic syndrome and blood pressure changes after resistance training. The study findings may serve as a guide for sports centers, coaches and instructors to help this specific group do resistance training.Methods: This research was conducted by dividing all middle-aged and elderly subjects (45 to 65 years old) into two groups: subjects with metabolic syndrome (n=10) and without metabolic syndrome (n=10). All subjects were assigned the following tests before resistance training. (1) Metabolic risk factors including waist circumference, resting blood pressure (BP), fasting plasma glucose (FPG), triglycerides (TG), and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL); (2) resting metabolic rate and body composition; and (3) maximal muscular strength test. We conducted different intensities of resistance training on subjects and examined their BP before, during and after resistance training for monitoring BP fluctuation. Results: The results revealed that during resistance training the BP of the subjects with metabolic syndrome was significantly higher than the other group. Besides, during resistance training, the BP significantly increased with the higher loading intensity. The results also showed that the number of metabolic risk factors could not significantly increase BP during resistance training.
Conclusion: According our results, the group with metabolic syndrome in middle-aged and elderly adults whose BP were significantly higher than without metabolic syndrome adults during resistance training. Therefore, the group should concern about BP fluctuation especially in high intensity resistnace exercises. For safety, we sugget that middle-aged and elderly adults with metabolic syndrome do not carry out resistance exercises to surpass the 60%1RM intensity.
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