

作者(外文):Gwo Yang Tsai
主題關鍵詞:組織文化教育訓練品質管理規範管理成熟度組織績效Quality management practicesEducation and trainingOrganizational cultureManagement maturityOrganizational performance
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本研究從員工的角度探討管理成熟度對組織文化、教育訓練、品質管理規範和組織績效的影響。許多公司經歷了無法成功的管理措施(例如: 精實生產、六標準差),且發現其只是模仿管理工具而沒有學習到管理的基本理念,所以導致產生失敗的結果。然而,管理成熟度對組織文化、教育訓練、品質管理規範和組織績效的影響,幾乎沒有被探討,而管理成熟度卻是組織經營不能忽視的因素。因此,本研究建立了管理成熟度的調節模型(如: ISO 9004),探討組織文化、教育訓練、品質管理規範對組織績效的影響。
本研究結果是: (1)組織文化與組織績效產生負相關; (2)教育訓練和品質管理規範對於組織文化和組織績效產生中介影響; (3)管理成熟度對組織文化、教育訓練、品質管理規範和組織績效之間產生消極的調節影響。
This study explores the effects of management maturity between organizational culture, education and training, quality management practices, and organizational performance from the perspective of employees. Many companies experienced unsuccessful management initiatives (e.g. lean, 6 sigma) and found that its failure is a result of emulating management tools without learning the underline philosophy. However, the influence of management maturity on organizational culture, education and training, quality management practices, and organizational performance was scarcely explored, and management maturity is an element not to be ignored in the operation of an organization. Therefore, this study built a moderating model for management maturity (such as, ISO 9004) to explore organizational culture, education and training, quality management practices, their effects on organizational performance.
We collected data via survey questionnaires distributed through the portal of a large steel company’s website, which is accessible by more than 9,000 employees. Respondents included staff members from the company and its subsidiaries. Employees could take part of the survey, if interested, from their own computers. We received a total of 336 responses, of which 316 were valid, giving a valid response rate of 94.05%.
The research results of the study are: (1) Organizational culture is negatively associated with organizational performance; (2) Education and training, and quality management practices mediates effect between organizational culture and organizational performance; (3) Management maturity moderates the relationship between organizational culture, education and training, quality management practices and organizational performance, such that the negative relationship is the level of management maturity.
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