

作者(外文):Fang-I Kuo
主題關鍵詞:創新導向供應鏈管理持續競爭優勢結合競爭能力績效innovation orientationsupply chain integrationsustainable competitive advantagecombinative competitive capabilitiesfirm performance
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With the continuous progress of global science and technology, industrial competition has been broken the national boundaries already, and going into the era of global competition. In response to challenges in the new era, relying on superior manufacturing capacity would not be able to maintain current advantages. Facing global competition and environmental uncertainty, Taiwan''s manufacturing industry no longer has cost advantage. Innovation-oriented enterprises have become an important competitive force to obtain new knowledge, new technologies, management changes and customer diversification. Companies must seek new ways to develop products and services to enhance the added value. In this competitive trend and challenge, enterprises must strengthen the practices of creating, adding, and applying knowledge; and transfer the knowledge into profits and value. They also need to improve quality and grasp the market from the perspective of innovation development so as to create the value of enterprise and enjoy sustainable development.
Enterprises must introduce more innovative, high value-added products and services with the idea of the new direction of development of the industry in order to achieve sustainable development. Any business can not use the same "business model" or "advantage" that used to help enterprises to win out competitors. Competitors would copy the old model easily. Besides consumer demand would change while the market environment changes. So there must be innovative and creative strategies or methods for enterprises to help them maintain the leading position.
The purpose of this paper is to explore coordination opportunities from supply chain partners through supply chain integration (SCI) and the use of collaborative knowledge management. Through the supply chain integration and integration of internal and external resources, companies can obtain the knowledge of partners to facilitate the core competitiveness of the industry and thus enhance the performance of enterprises. Therefore, this paper collects questionnaires from Taiwan''s electronics industry and manufacturing industry, respectively, and applies Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to analyze, on the one hand, the impact of innovation orientation, supply chain integration, competitiveness on business performance and, on the other hand, the impact of collaborative knowledge management, supply chain integration , value creation and firm performance on sustainable competitive advantage.
The main findings of this study are as follows: The significant effect of innovation-oriented on supply chain integration, sustainable competitive advantage and firm performance have been found, in which supplier integration and internal integration have significant effects on competitiveness and firm performance, while customer integration has significant effect on integration competition. And there is no significant effect on firm performance. In addition, collaborative knowledge management has a positive impact on the supply chain integration; supply chain integration to create value and corporate performance were significant .The important contributions of this research are expected to be provided to the industry and academia for reference
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