

作者:徐也翔 引用關係
主題關鍵詞:共享經濟新聞媒體經營模式雙邊市場平台策略sharing economynews mediabusiness modelplatform strategytwo-sided market
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過去幾年,資訊科技與網際網路的快速發展,智慧行動裝置的日漸普及,民眾可透過各種裝置連結上網路,進而可取得各種不同類型的服務。「共享經濟」(Sharing Economy)商業模式的出現,強調經由網路平台媒合供需雙方,以促進各種資源能夠被充分的利用,達到快速方便、節儉、善用資源的目的,對使用者形塑出新的消費行為。
In the past few years, with the rapid development of information technology and the Internet, smart mobile devices have become increasingly popular. People can connect to the Internet through various devices, and can thus obtain various types of services. The emergence of the sharing economy business model emphasizes the connection between the supply and demand sides through the internet platform. It promotes the full use of various resources to achieve the purpose of providing a fast, convenient and efficient service. It also shapes the new consumer behavior of the users.
On the other hand, the media environment has come up with tremendous changes. The traditional news media is facing a large reduction in revenue. Due to the enormous pressure to survive as the news ecology develops, many news organizations are facing situations in which their budgets have been cut. Media organizations are thus trying to strengthen their business management and innovation. The news media are incorporating the sharing economy into their business models and their applications include crowdfunding journalism, connecting news talent, and crowdsourcing in journalism.
This study adopts a case study, in-depth interviews and content analysis to explore the development and business strategies of sharing economy news platforms both in Taiwan and abroad. The research presents key success factors of the news media in the application of the sharing economy. These include meeting the needs of readers with comprehensive and in-depth content, using different pricing strategies and feedback mechanisms to provide customers with a sense of belonging, engaging with customers who have needs and promoting two-sided interaction through proactive interaction, continuing to collect user data to understand customer’s needs and enhance profitability, strategically adopting a co-opetition relationship with other media platforms, focusing on new technology applications, and planning for multiple development strategies. It can be used as a reference for operators, and also provides important cases that communications scholars in the field of media management can examine in the future.
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