

主題關鍵詞:意識形態東印度公司光榮革命英格蘭銀行社會資源可移轉性ideologyEast India CompanyGlorious RevolutionBank of Englandtransferability
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The rise of modern world started in England since the end of the feudal society to the emergence of early capitalism from15th to 18th centuries. How the Britain transformed her society was the main arguments of this thesis investigated. By using the “selective affinity” from Max Weber’s viewpoint,The chartered East India Company, Crown in Parliament after Glorious Revolution , and Bank of England were examinated inter-setorially by the“event-conjucture-structure”model from Fernand Braudel’s approach.
While most researches focus on the impacts of the inter-state wars, this thesis targets at the social resource transferability. Besides, while researches that discussed the historical background of credit system in 1668 as the inception, this thesis, by contrast, claimed the change of ideology of interst, luxuries and currency must be re-examinated historically.
The main research methods consist of case study and critical discourse. In this thesis, three cases were studied in terms of the way they handled the social resource transferability. In addition, the un-intended consequences were emphasis on the action of three agents.
The research found that, the East India Company in addition to trade large amounts of goods and make Birtish people wealthier, they also established the protype of modern organizational bureaucracy, Bank of England established the modern governmental bond, and Crown in Parliament after Glorious Revolution was the first step of modern democracy. Last but not least, the developmental process of three events also unveils the change of the form of feudal society to the financial age.
With this thesis, the readers can get access to know the development of English from 1600 to 1694, and understand the stumble steps of the financial age. Furthmore, the trust on credit system and transferability of social recources can truly be appreciated.


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