

作者(外文):GUO, CONG
主題關鍵詞:國際醫療翻譯教育專業化課程設置學習動機醫療語文服務能力模型跨學科知識生產International healthcarespecialization of translator and interpreter educationcurriculum designlearning motivationsmedical language service competence frameworkinterdisciplinary knowledge production
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1. 國際醫療翻譯課程設置與以往翻譯學碩士課程有哪些不同?其特點為何?
2. 不同背景學習者抱持著哪些學習動機?如何解釋學習者的學習動機?
3. 國際醫療語文服務能力由哪些要素構成?各能力之間有什麼關係?
4. 國際醫療語文服務教育訓練產生了哪些培訓效果?不同學習者動機、課程設置與培訓效果關係如何?
In the context of globalization, the international exchange continues to expand and deepen. Translation and interpreting both play essential roles in the globalization process. However, there is currently a phenomenon of oversupply in the fields of general translation and interpreting, accompanied by a lack of talents in specialized fields such as medicine, law and finance. In this regard, translation education faces enormous challenges. In coping with the situation, translation education should actively seek to transform itself and play a more significant and energetic role in building relationships with those specialized fields that require translation services and within the processes of globalization.
With the advancement of medical technology, capital financing, and the establishment of a transnational regulatory system, the flows of international patients and medical professionals are increasing. Taiwan is well situated to develop international medical care in terms of its geography, transportation infrastructure, medical technology, medical care, and excellent medical services. However, such new forms of border crossing medical practice come with new challenges, many of which are related to language and culture. Due to the high degree of accuracy and expertise required for effective communication in medicine and other related fields, the threshold for becoming a master translator and interpreter in this area is high. In order to create a language-barrier-free environment in Taiwan for international patients, there needs to be an equivalent amount of highly qualified and specialized language service providers to meet demand. Furthermore, the internationalization of the medical industry also requires the development of specialized language service talents.
This research focuses on providing insight into the education of international medical translators and interpreters based on the pragmatism ideas in education and interdisciplinary knowledge production. The study seeks to contextualize the translation industry within the international and globalized flows of the contemporary medical landscape. This research uses both qualitative and quantitative methods to explore four critical issues of international medical translator and interpreter training, providing a theoretical and practical basis for understanding the specialized turn in translator and interpreter education. The research questions are:
1. What is the difference between the international medical translator and interpreter education and the previous master’s program in translation studies? What are the features of the former?
2. What motivations do learners from different backgrounds hold? How should their motivations be explained?
3. What are the elements in the international medical language service provider’s competence framework? What is the relationship between the various compositions?
4. What learning outcomes have the international medical language service training produced? What is the relationship between different learner motivations, curriculum design, and training outcomes?
The primary data collection methods in this study are interviews and questionnaires. The data collection period was from June 2017 to March 2019. The research subjects are the stakeholders of the education system, including the full-time professors, industry teachers, students, medical translators and interpreters, international medical practitioners, as well as the curricula and two models of intra-organizational training and thematic training.
This study finds that the international medical translator and interpreter education is guided by social needs and contextualized problem solving, and aimed at developing specialist language service competences within the medical field. This educational program is characterized by synergistic knowledge production through co-teaching between medical professionals and professors in translation and interpreting, and other relevant subjects. This educational model advocates the teaching methods of mutual learning and incorporates international standards and formative assessment, thereby reconstructing the curriculum, the learners' composition, and the competence training objectives and methods. It is able to respond to social needs rapidly. Therefore, it is a globalized and pragmatic interdisciplinary knowledge production system. Translator and interpreter education should serve the needs of professional fields and respond to social development. It also should consider the actual conditions of educational institutions when carrying out reforms.
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