

主題關鍵詞:期望不一致理論滿意度縱向研究再購意圖線上購物expectation disconfirmation theorysatisfactionlongitudinal studyrepurchase intentiononline shopping
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The development of digital technology has changed the purchasing behavior of consumers and created an online shopping environment that consumers can be purchased anywhere and anytime. To succeed in the rapidly growing and highly competitive e-commerce environment, it is important to understand the relationship between the cognition and continued usage behavior of online shopping customers to enhance customer conversion and retention. This study adopted longitudinal perspective and based on cognition model as well as expectancy disconfirmation theory to explore the relationships among antecedents of online repurchase intention and to examine how expectancy disconfirmation influences the relationship between customer pre-purchase expectations and satisfaction when considering the effect of time. This work aims at (1) identifying the relationships between the pre-purchase expectations and post-purchase attitudes of online consumers; (2) elucidating how previous purchase experience influences subsequent purchase intention; and (3) examining the moderating role of expectancy disconfirmation in an online shopping context. The results provide useful implications for the management of customer expectations and future purchase behavior in customers with different levels of disconfirmation. Our findings not only help to understand how online consumer cognition and behavior intention change, but also assist e-commerce practitioners in developing better business model.
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