

作者(外文):Hsin-Hung Lin
主題關鍵詞:災後觀光災後社區復原力災後社區觀光發展概念模型民族誌個案研究法好茶社區Post-disaster tourism (PDT)Post-community resiliencePost-disaster community tourism development modelEthnographyCase studyKucapungane
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It is now widely acknowledged that global climate change and natural catastrophes are affecting destinations and communities around the globe and that adaptation to the impacts is crucial to their long-term survival.
Previous studies have focused on the considerable effects of climate change upon sustainability of tourism resources, loss of property or infrastructure, safety of tourists and their attitudes toward post-disaster tourism destinations. Therefore, this study aims to refine a previously developed model for post-disaster community resilience, and to propose a conceptual framework by considering regional development, regulation theory, and the contribution of tourism development simultaneously.
The complexity of community resilience and its interrelationship with the post-disaster relocation may require a multi-method approach to discuss. Based on constructivism, ethnography and case study were adopted as research strategy for this study. The research setting of the study is Rinari Kucapungane community that has experienced several relocation and reconstruction following disasters. The relationship between tourism development and community resilience is also explored by a comprehensive and non-participant observation in Kucapungane for four years. 31 participants were chosen for in-depth interviews, each of which lasted up to one and a half hours. This study subsequently adopts pattern analysis to categorize data from interviews, triangulation of methods and data sources were employed to examine reliability and validity.
Evidence shows that some major challenges for Rinari Kucapungane community - loss of agricultural land; livelihood change; destruction of cultural resources; uncertainty over the future; confrontation within residents; psychological trauma would emerge from rebuilding process over time and consequently need to be resolved to arrive at a resilient community.
The results suggest that physical and intangible resources and the mechanism of interactive regulation are dynamics for a successful regeneration of livings and culture in post-disaster communities. Tourism development can be an alternative to offer great and sustainable support for post‐disaster recovery in six different directions, namely, economic value, ethnic ethos, resource control, continuous support, involvement and participation, and sense of community.
In conclusion, the findings of this study are one of the first few attempts to acknowledge the value of tourism development in community resilience and provide the foundation for post-disaster management in the future.
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