

主題關鍵詞:社會資本組織行為聯盟績效Social CapitalOrganizational behaviorAlliance Performance
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  The rise of global economic development and environmental awareness has led to continuous attention and research on the balanced development of the combination of social-capital-theory application and be assessed the performance of strategic alliance. This research is based on the theory of social capital, constructs the alliance performance model, and summarizes the scientific analysis of the deductive procedures with reference to the relevant literature content and discussion at home and abroad, and validates the conceptual propositions, in order to establish a coalition performance-measured model of social capital theory.
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16.戚樹誠、羅新興、梁欣光、賴璽方、朱志傑(民106),職場偏差行為之實證發現與展望: 2000~2015亞洲研究的回顧,臺大管理論叢,第27卷第2期,259-305頁。
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