

主題關鍵詞:手遊虛擬扭蛋戰利箱虛擬貨幣資本主義Mobile GamesVirtual GachaLoot BoxVirtual CurrencyCapitalism
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自2010年以降,手遊(mobile games)隨著智慧型載具普及,透過其載具之高黏著性、便利性以及遊戲取得門檻低等技術特質,始為大量生產、並廣為消費者下載。本研究探討對象為手遊營運商將手遊結合了扭蛋機制(ガチャ,又譯為gacha、或稱之loot box)所開創全新的商業模式,此與過往大異其趣的虛擬扭蛋機制,構成本研究主體發展的初衷。
其一,虛擬扭蛋機制目前仍未被明確定義,僅能察覺其「類賭博」(gambling-like) 的性質,這也展現出玩家/消費者從理性架構轉向了對於「機率」(chance)的需求與信仰狀況。手遊產業的主要營運策略,則以極大化玩家人數為目標。
Since 2010, a huge number of mobile games have beenproduced and widely downloaded by consumers with the popularity of mobile devices which characteristics are strong adhesion, convenience and low threshold of acquiring games. The intention of this thesis is to analyzes the brand-new business model which combines games and loot box mechanism (“ガチャ”,gacha) created by mobile game operators.
Through in-depth interviews and observation of participants, the author comprehends the differences between loot box and gambling and explores the meaning of consumption which consumers discover through such loot box in mobile games. In addition, this thesis also reveals the problems and phenomena of mobile games based on the loot box mechanism.
There are three findings of this research: first, the loot box mechanism has not been clearly defined, and only the quasi-gambling nature is observed; this also shows the players/consumers needs and faith switch from rationality to chance. The mobile game operators’ business strategies are all tailored to maximize the number of players.
Second, the consumption practice in mobile games shows post-modern symbolic value, and the pursuit of chance yields more joy. Those players who consume more become more Prosumer-like, and the output from the loot box mechanism reveals the contemporary spirit of waste.
Third, the lack of regulation of virtual currencies in mobile games not only makes those players neglect the value of exchange of real currencies but also forces the players to face the risk that all their consumption may turn into nothing under the unclear exchange value of virtual currencies and manipulated loot box chance. In order to get cheap virtual currencies, the players trade privately which even forms black markets and bring great danger of personal data leakage and legal duty.
The loot box mechanism demonstrates how the mobile game operators transform the probability into virtual commodities and sell them. Hence, the players purchase probability rather than commodities, which makes the players spend more money due to the unpredictability. The loot box mechanism and the virtual currencies which are lack of control show that the players indulge in the chaos of the Late Capitalism bubble and keep moving toward the inevitable fate of destruction of the mobile games.
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