

主題關鍵詞:內線交易內線消息刑法法益抽象危險犯品格證據Insider tradingInside informationLegal interestOffender of abstract dangerCharacter evidence
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U.S legislation and practical judgments generally recognized and enforced are used as the basis for interpreting the elements of Taiwan's insider trading regulation. However, this approach of adopting the U.S. law regarding insider trading crime has led to controversy regarding whether the information is material and the subjective element of the crime which has resulted in different opinions when determining judgments. In this article, we think the ultimate solution should be based on the principles of criminal law. We must use the core meaning of protecting the legal interests of insider trading to reinterpret the constituent elements of insider trading offenses so as to redefine the constituent elements of insider trading offenses, putting a stop to disputation.
Moreover, it is also common practice that the degree of proof provided by the prosecution with respect to whether or not a tippee is subjectively aware of material information often varies greatly from the threshold of trial courts. In this article, we have studied Taiwan’s important insider trading cases of recent years, and have proposed the “Non-Propensity Uses of Character Evidence.” We suggest that, other than investigating the relationship between the tipper and the tippee, the court should further analyze related indirect evidence such as the historical stock trading records of the offender to determine whether the stock tradings are irregular from the use of material information prior to making a convincing resolution.
In conclusion, we introduce the difficulties faced by domestic insider trading investigation practices as well as the development trend of court judgments. We also explain the practical operating procedures of domestic insider trading prevention while proposing recommendations for system reformations. We hope this article will serve as a reference to Taiwan’s security regulation agencies and enforcement authorities.

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