

主題關鍵詞:身體活動睡眠時數睡眠品質多元適應性雲形迴歸。physical activitysleep durationsleep qualitymultivariate adaptive regression spline
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本研究之目的是以橫斷面研究法探討臺灣成年人睡眠狀態與體適能指標的關聯。本研究資料來源為2014年國民體適能調查(National Physical Fitness Examination Survey, NPFES)資料庫,該計畫於2014年檢測臺灣地區23至64歲共62,094位成年人的健康行為與4項健康體適能指標,包含身體組成、柔軟度、肌耐力、心肺耐力並分別以身體質量指數、坐姿體前彎、一分鐘仰臥起坐、三分鐘登階表示;睡眠狀態指標則以自填式問卷調查其睡眠品質、睡眠時數與就寢時間。統計方法使用斯皮爾曼等級相關分析、t檢定、變異數分析與多元適應性雲形迴歸方法分析睡眠狀態與體適能表現的關聯。相關分析結果顯示睡眠狀態指標與體適能指標呈現無線性相關。t檢定及變異數分析顯示睡眠品質較佳者與睡眠時數介於6至8小時的民眾具有最佳的心肺耐力與肌耐力;早於晚間10點就寢者,具有較佳的心肺耐力與較差的肌耐力及柔軟度。在適應性雲形迴歸分析方面,睡眠品質、睡眠時數、就寢時間皆對於體適能指標有顯著影響力,但是在不同性別的相關性並不相同。其中睡眠時數在兩個性別中皆影響身體質量指數、肌耐力與柔軟度,且7小時的睡眠時數為迴歸結點。根據這樣的研究結果推論,睡眠狀態為影響我國人民體適能表現的重要因素,且性別為其中相互影響的重要控制因子。
The purpose of this cross-sectional study was aimed to determine the relationship between sleep conditions and multiple physical fitness indicators in adults of Taiwan. The data were obtained from the National Physical Fitness Examination Survey (NPFES) 2014 database. In this project, health physical fitness
indictors of Taiwanese adults (n = 62,094, 23 to 64 y) including body composition, flexibility, muscle strength and cardiopulmonary endurance were determined by body mass index (BMI), sit and reach (S-r), 1 min sit-up (S-u), and 3-minute step test. Sleep quality, sleep duration, bedtime were determined by self-administered questionnaire. The associations of the sleep conditions with physical fitness performances were accessed by Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, t-test, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and multivariate adaptive regression spline (MARS) method. The result indicated that sleep duration, sleep quality, and bedtime were minimally correlated with physical fitness performances. Adults with good sleep quality and 6 to 8 hours sleep duration have the best performance in muscle strength and cardiopulmonary endurance. Early sleep adults (bedtime before 10 pm) showed higher cardiopulmonary endurance and lower flexibility and muscle strength compared to late sleep adults. In MARS analysis, 3 indicators of sleep conditions were associated with physical fitness performance, but the diverse influences were showed in different gender. Sleep duration was associated with body composition, flexibility, and muscle strength and endurance in both genders. The 7 hours sleep duration was the regression knot point. Based on the results, we concluded that sleep conditions are important factors that influence physical fitness performance, and gender is the most important control factor.
Keywords : physical activity, sleep duration, sleep quality, multivariate
adaptive regression spline.
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