

作者(外文):Huang, Ting-Yu
主題關鍵詞:空間領導學校組織健康學習成就Space leadershipSchool organizational healthLearning achievement
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在研究方法上採取問卷調查法,依據文獻及相關量表編製問卷,經項目分析、因素分析及信度分析,顯示問卷具有良好的信、效度。在研究對象方面,則以臺灣本島的普通型公立高級中等學校之現任正式教師為研究之母群體,分層隨機抽取84所學校,發出1,011份問卷,回收924份,回收率為91.4%,其中有效問卷為854份,可用率為92.4%。經IBM SPSS Statistics 21.0及IBM SPSS AMOS 21.0統計套裝軟體運算,進行描述性統計分析、平均數差異分析、單因子變異數分析、結構方程模型檢定及中介效果檢驗。
This study aims to investigate the current conditions of principal’s space leadership, school organizational health and students’ learning achievement of public senior high schools in Taiwan, and further analyzes, with different background variables, the differences of teachers’ perception on principal’s space leadership, school organizational health and students’ learning achievement. Moreover, it attempts to construct the structural relationships among the three main variables, and to verify the mediating effect of school organizational health.
Based on literatures and related researches, a questionnaire-based survey methodology was adopted. Through item analysis, factor analysis and reliability analysis, the questionnaire showed good reliability and validity. In terms of the survey respondents, 1,011 teachers in 84 public senior high schools in Taiwan took the questionnaire, 924 questionnaires were sent back and among which 854 were valid. The availability ratio is 92.4%. The data were analyzed by the methods of descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, and SEM. The conclusions of this study are as followed:
1.The current situations of principal’s space leadership perceived by senior high school teachers are good, and the performance in the dimension of “Integrating curriculum and teaching into space” is outstanding.
2.The current situations of school organizational health perceived by senior high school teachers are good, and the performance in the dimension of “Emphasizing on students’ learning” is outstanding.
3.The current situations of students’ learning achievement perceived by senior high school teachers are good, and the perception in the dimension of “Psychomotor learning performance” is outstanding.
4.The perceptions of principal’s space leadership vary significantly depending on “sex,” “position” and “school area”. The perception levels of “male teachers,” “teachers in administrative positions,” or“teachers from central Taiwan” are significantly higher than the others.
5.The perceptions of school organizational health vary significantly depending on “sex,” “position” and “school area”. The perception levels of “male teachers,” “teachers in administrative positions,” or“teachers from southern Taiwan” are significantly higher than the others.
6.The perceptions of students’ learning achievement vary significantly depending on “sex” and “number of classes”. The perception levels of “male teachers” and “large schools with 49 classes or above” are significantly higher than the others.
7.The fit indexes in structural equation model among principal’s space leadership , school organizational health and students’ learning achievement are assessed as positive and the model could explain the relationship among main variables.
8.Principal’s space leadership would affect students’ learning achievement through school organizational health in senior high schools. Accordingly, there is a full mediating effect of school organizational health.
According to the research findings, this study provides suggestions for senior high school principals, teachers and researchers engaged in related research areas.
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