

主題關鍵詞:虛擬彩蛋模式品牌品牌化娛樂行銷策略決策visual Easter eggs modesbrandingbranded entertainmentmarketing strategiesdecision-making
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The research of study aims at the marketing strategies and applications of the virtual Easter eggs from the standpoint of the branded entertainment theory. The research firstly explores the marketing nutrition for the visual Easter eggs from the studies of the placement marketing and the branded entertainment, secondly clarifies the background and development of the virtual Easter eggs, thirdly analyzes the essence transformations of the virtual Easter eggs from time to time, fourthly reveals the modern market flourish of the visual Easter eggs and fifthly proposes the ideal branded entertainment mode for the applications of the visual Easter eggs and that of the exhibition Easter eggs. Hence, through the questionnaire surveys, the research manifests the perspectives and preferences of the seven visitor groups with distinct prior consideration factors for the participations in the exhibition Eater eggs activities, including the message contents of the exhibition Easter eggs, exhibition themes, time cost, exhibition fee, patience, rewards and friend invitation, and thence categorize the three predominant visitor groups: thrifty challengers for entertainments, the spiritual bonus lovers and the loyal fans of the exhibition themes. Eventually, the research provides the recommended branding strategies for the four major types of the brands to design the suitable exhibition Easter eggs for their visitor groups: the brands of the venue providers, the exhibition brands, the international brands and the Taiwanese local brands, The value of the research is to provide the contextualized analysis and application mode of the virtual Easter eggs entertainment for the markers, designers and researchers from diversified fields to consult, evaluate and implement as the inspiring reference in the future.
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