

作者(外文):Cheng-Tao Tsai
主題關鍵詞:管理者策略領導組織文化創新經營效能Manager’s strategic Leadershiporganizational cultureinnovative management effectiveness
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一、 幼兒園管理者策略領導整體及各層面為表現良好,其中以「整合資源」層面最佳。
二、 幼兒園組織文化整體及各層面表現良好,其中以「價值信念」得分最高。
三、 幼兒園學校創新經營效能整體及各層面的表現良好,其中以「學生表現創新」得分最高。
四、 不同管理者性別對管理者策略領導、組織文化、學校創新經營效能的影響均無顯著差異。
五、 管理者策略領導、組織文化、學校創新經營效能因不同年齡管理者具有顯著差異。
六、 不同學歷幼兒園管理者對組織文化、學校創新經營效能的影響具有顯著差異,而對管理者策略領導無顯著差異。
七、 不同管理者在校年資對管理者策略領導具有顯著差異,而在組織文化與學校創新經營效能則無顯著差異。
八、 管理者策略領導、組織文化、學校創新經營效能因不同管理者總年資具有顯著差異。
九、 管理者策略領導、組織文化與學校創新經營效能因不同學校規模、不同學校歷史、不同學校地區具有顯著差異。
The main purposes of this research are to understand current situations of Manager’s strategic Leadership, organizational culture, and innovative management effectiveness in Kindergarten, and to analyze the differences of Manager’s strategic Leadership, organizational culture and innovative management effectiveness among Manager’s and school backgrounds. Furthermore, it explores the relationships among Kindergarten Manager’s strategic leadership, organizational culture and innovative management effectiveness and tests the proper fit of efficiency structural relationship model among Manager’s strategic Leadership, organizational culture and innovative management effectiveness.
To achieve the purposes, this research adopts questionnaire survey. “The investigative questionnaire of relationships among elementary-school Manager’s strategic Leadership, organizational culture and innovative management effectiveness in Kindergarten”, is the main tool in use. The samples were 804 teachers selected from 100 Kindergarten in Taiwan, and 576 of the distributed copies were returned as valid. The return rate was 71.64%. A series of statistical methods such as descriptive statistics, chi-square test, multivariate analysis of variance, Pearson product-moment correlation and structural equation model, are conducted to analyze the data collected.
The conclusions of this research are as follows:
1. Kindergarten managers have high performance on their manager’s strategic leadership
and its dimensions, especially in the dimension of " integration of resources ".
2.The degree of organizational culture of Kindergarten and its dimensions is at high performance, especially in the dimension of "values faith".
3.The current situation of efficiency of Kindergarten innovative management effectiveness and its dimensions works out quite well, especially in the dimension of "students' behaviors innovation".
4.There are no significant differences in Manager’s strategic Leadership,
organizational culture and effectiveness of school innovation management in terms of Manager’s gender.
5.There is a significant difference in Manager’s strategic Leadership, organizational culture and innovative management effectiveness in Kindergarten in terms of Manager’s age.
6.There are significant differences in organizational culture and efficiency of school innovated management in terms of Manager’s academic degrees but no significant differences in the Manager’s strategic Leadership.
7.There is a significant difference in the Manager’s strategic Leadership
in terms of the Manager’s service period in the present school but there are no significant differences in organizational culture and effectiveness of school innovated management.
8.There are significant differences in Manager’s strategic Leadership, organizational
culture and effectiveness of school innovated management in terms of the Manager’s
career-service period.
9.There are significant differences in Manager’s strategic Leadership, organizational culture and effectiveness of school innovated management in terms of the schools' scale, schools' history, schools' location.
10.There is a significant positive correlation among Manager’s strategic Leadership, organizational culture and effectiveness of school innovated management.
11.The assessment of proper fit is supported in a structural equation model among Kindergarten Manager’s strategic Leadership, organizational culture and effectiveness of school innovated management. It can explain the relationships of the above three main variables.
12.There are significant and total effects between Manager’s strategic Leadership and innovative management effectiveness in Kindergarten.
Based on the above conclusions, some suggestions and references are proposed for education authorities, Manager of Kindergarten, and future research.
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