

作者(外文):Lu, Kuo-Hsien
主題關鍵詞:國際觀光旅展非計畫性購買行為前置因子享樂型購物價值實用型購物價值非計畫性購買行為服務補償再購意願International Travel FairAntecedents of Unplanned Purchase BehaviorHedonistic Shopping ValueUtilitarian Shopping ValueUnplanned Purchase BehaviorService Recovery
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The study examined the relationship among antecedents of unplanned purchase behavior (service climate, travel attraction, in-store factors, out-of-store factors), unplanned purchase behavior, and repurchase intention in international travel fair. Shopping value (utilitarian shopping, hedonic shopping) was chosen as the aforementioned behavior and moderator variable of unplanned purchase behavior; service recovery was chosen as moderator variable of unplanned purchase behavior and repurchase intention. Questionnaires were distributed to at an international travel fair. A total of 446 valid samples collected . It was found through analysis of the structural equation model that: (1) service climate, in-store factors, and out-of-store factors can positively affect unplanned purchase behavior; (2) the value of hedonistic shopping significantly strengthens the positive relationship between “out-of-store factors and unplanned purchasing behavior”; (3) the value of utilitarian shopping significantly strengthens the positive relationship between “service climate and unplanned purchasing behavior”, “travel attraction and unplanned purchase behavior", and "in-store factors and unplanned purchase behavior"; (4) service recovery significantly strengthens the positive relationship between "unplanned purchase behavior and repurchase intention ". Finally, this study proposed practical advice for conducting unit planning and international travel fair in the future, and it is expected to help promote the vigorous development of Taiwan international travel fair .
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