

題名:網路、電視與紙媒之置入性行銷效果差異 比較實證研究
作者(外文):Ting, Ching-Cheng
主題關鍵詞:置入性行銷網路行銷電視行銷報紙行銷placement marketingInternet marketingtv marketing
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「置入性行銷」(placement marketing),在傳播媒體不景氣的現在,有了各式新創與計畫性作法及安排,使新聞、產品,能夠在報導與節目中露出,也讓閱聽眾在觀看節目或新聞的同時,不自覺融入與接收這些資訊,達到利益關係人、業者、投資者、贊助商、廣告主行銷的目的;置入性行銷,堪稱為各傳播媒體與企業帶來了轉虧為盈的契機與機會。
本研究以質性研究(qualitative research)紮根理論(grounded theory methodology)為主要研究方法,探索與論述置入性行銷效果差異。最後結論以網路置入效果最被看好,其次為電視;報紙置入效果不彰但仍有可為;媒體置入性行銷可繁榮產業,但效果優劣仍要看業者的製作內容與國家政策而定。
With the gradual decline of mass media in today's world, Placement Marketing has evolved to include innovative and planned placement of information and products to increase the exposure in TV shows and online programs to sublimely influence its audience in order to achieve the marketing objectives of the sponsors, investors, advertisers and all interested parties. Therefore, Placement Marketing is seen as an opportunity for the media industry to turn itself around.
This research covers the comparison of different Placement Marketing methodologies and results in various media, especially the Internet, television and print media. The study adopts a qualitative analysis to discuss the extent that these marketing strategies affect business owners, advertisers, audience and other stakeholders, to examine whether past findings regarding the audience's ability to identify placement marketing are accurate, and whether placement marketing can reduce cost and boost the effects of advertising efforts. From these findings, the research discusses the effectiveness of placement marketing on the Internet, television and in print media, as well as the audience's willingness to support placement marketing.
The main approach implemented to conduct this research is the grounded theory methodology of qualitative research,The theory that is finally formed in the study is based on the theory of grounded, and the conclusion that the effect of marketing is different. The effect of Internet placement is most optimistic, the industry can be prospered, and the content must be returned, but it still depends on the national policy and the industry. It depends on the content.
參 考 文 獻



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