

作者(外文):Liang, Mei-Jung
主題關鍵詞:新制度主義代理制度行政裁量權關係華人關係文化New institutionalismagency systemadministrative discretionrelationshipChinese Quanxi culture
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Aims: What changes will occur when the system encounters Chinese “guanxi” culture? Have social workers perceived themselves in the institutional environment? In addition to acting in accordance with the law, will they act in accordance with "guanxi"? Do they act in accordance with the norms of the system, or do they have their own consideration of the "guanxi" interaction in the fuzzy space?"guanxi" is an interaction which generates because of social system, and how will social workers view "guanxi"? In turn, does it have an impact on the rights of service users? It is the focus of this research.
Research questions: Under the contract management, how do social worker in Non-profit organizations execute contract with public department? What kind of "guanxi" will generate when these social workers interact with organizers and how do these social workers deal with that. How do they learn the methods? What will they do when facing missions assigned by supervisor in the contract? Will that damage the rights of service users?
Questions above focus on that "guanxi" of social worker which is under Chinese society. We should put it in society and understood its context, and then get into research objects’ lives. Therefore, according to the research purpose and the cut-in point, qualitative research emphasizes the deep understanding of human interaction and empirical significance, and the impact on context as the focus of inquiry and understanding. Thus, qualitative research is selected and the construction paradigm is adopted. Methods: Qualitative research/ in-depth interviews.
the interaction between social workers and the public sector is explored. There are three purposes of this research: 1. Explore the transformation mechanism of research participants in the interaction with the public sector under contract management. 2. Explore the current situation of the impact on the delivery of welfare services when Chinese social workers facing institutional norms and "guanxi" culture, and the impact on the rights of service users. 3. Based on the research results, make recommendations as a reference for future policy specifications or service plan revisions. Results: Through the post-interview analysis, this research found two parts. The one is that view from the relationship orientation and ecological point of social work, the change and the relationships in the time axis of social welfare service can be constructed; and the other is that the construction of mask partnerships, which include there points: first, two parties establish a private interaction through the existence of institutional gaps in order to enhance the friendship in the contractual relationship, and also find that the Chinese "guanxi" culture affects the operation of duties and powers, contract management and institutional gaps. Second, duties and powers, contract management and institutional gaps construct the mask partnerships. Third, construct the connotation of social welfare privatization.
Discussion and Suggestions: There are five research discussions: first, from this study, the time axis(Chronosystem) is taking us from the Chinese "guanxi" culture to the Western individualism; second, the gap space created by system is where Chinese "guanxi" culture operates. Third, the framework of Chinese "guanxi" culture has a substantial impact on the agency system. Fourth, the influence of the agency system on the rights of service users in the Chinese "guanxi" culture. Finally, the Chinese "guanxi" culture deconstructs the partnerships under the social welfare privatization. The research suggestions are: the macro-vision: enriching the understanding of the Chinese "guanxi" culture; the exo-vision: from purchase to commission; the meso-vision: the school education (social work department) of agency system, contract management, emphasizes on quality and decentralization should be strengthened; Micro-vision: Pay attention on the rights of service users and their autonomy.
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