

作者(外文):Shang-Li Chu
主題關鍵詞:矛盾修辭屬性列舉產品使用創新設計模式情感設計Attribute Listing TechniqueOxymoronInnovative DesignEmotional Design
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That designers create conflicting elements for users and discover new use experiences is an effective strategy for innovative product design. Oxymoron is the use of two opposite words to describe an entity so that the intended meaning of the expression can have a stronger effect, giving people an unexpected and fascinating feeling. The aim of this research is to try to construct an adverb-type oxymoron design model that can be applied to product use.
This research is divided into four stages: (1) Analyze the constituent elements and combination patterns of adverb-type oxymoron, and establish the method of constructing adverb-type oxymoron; (2) Correspond each example of adverb-type oxymoron with the part of speech in the attribute enumeration method, and combine the development of various design conversion styles; (3) Carry out lamp design with each design conversion style, implement contradictory image tests, explore the correspondence between each sample and contradictory images, and may affect the two comprehensive evaluations of "innovation" and "preference" contradictory imagery; (4) Construct the causal model of adverb-type oxymoron design samples for continuous use with expectation confirmation theory.
The results of the research show: (1) Adverb-type oxymoron combinations and their corresponding product characteristics can be divided into three types, namely: "adverb with adjective", which focuses on "reproducing the operation behavior and scene of specific experience"; "adverb with verb", which emphasizes "the production from operating principle and usage state based on a specific purpose"; "adverbs with adverbs" emphasizes "the use process of displaying multiple characteristics on the same product"; (2) With lamp as the main topic, the design is based on the process of the constructed design model to develop 10 samples of adverb-type oxymoron designs, which are divided into four categories according to the degree of direct change of operation: "intuitive": designs that can be used intuitively and produce image connections, "impulsive": with simple prompts and surprises, product use feedback as the main design; "analogous type": design that can reflect product use experience; "circumflex type" is a design that "reverses previous experience of use” (3) the innovation of oxymoron samples are highly correlated with and "dramatic" -Ordinary", "Transcendence-Logical", and "Attractive-Hidden", and the preference part is significantly related to "Dramatic-Ordinary", "Troublesome-Convenience", and "Attractive-Hidden".
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