

作者:Monchai Chottidao
作者(外文):Monchai Chottidao
主題關鍵詞:生物力學增強式訓練跳繩訓練交叉打擊業餘拳擊手BiomechanicsPlyometric trainingJumping rope trainingJab-cross punchAmateur boxing
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目的:本研究目的在於比較增強式訓練及跳繩訓練對於年輕業餘拳擊手下肢肌力及拳擊動作之效果。方法:招募24位國中及高中業餘拳擊手(年齡:12-18歲),隨機將選手分為2組,分別是增強式訓練組(plyometric training program, PLY) 及跳繩訓練組(mimic jumping rope training, MJR)各12名,兩組之間的運動強度及時間將調整至平衡。選手經歷8週訓練,並在訓練前後進行拳擊動作表現測驗及下肢肌力測驗。本研究以交叉打擊動作作為拳擊動作表現之代表,使用測力板及無線肌電圖儀紀錄打擊時的地面反作用力、下肢用力反應時間、下肢肌肉收縮反應時間,測力板取樣頻率設置為1000赫茲,無線肌電圖儀設置為1500赫茲。同時以紅外線高速攝影機配合動作分析系統計算出拳速度,取樣頻率設定為250赫茲。另外,將加速規設置在打擊目標上,以打擊時的加速度計算打擊力量,取樣頻率為3000赫茲。下肢力量以下蹲跳作為代表,下蹲跳測驗總共進行5次,使用測力板擷取跳躍時的力量,計算下肢勁度、發力率、最大爆發力,取樣頻率為1000赫茲。以二因子變異數分析(wo-way analysis of variance, ANOVA)比較不同訓練方法及訓練前後之差異計算主要效果,若有交互作用則以Bonferroni ’s post hoc 事後檢定比較組間或是訓練前後之差異,並使用皮爾森相關係數(Pearson product correlation coefficient)分析所有參數之間的相關性。顯著水準設定為p<0.05。結果: 本研究主要發現兩組在出拳速度、反應時間、打擊前前導腳骨二頭肌肌活量以及最大發力率在訓練後都顯著進步。另外,僅發現前導腳勁前肌再組間有顯著差異。沒有發現不同運動以及訓練前後有達到交互作用。結論: 本研究證實8週增強式訓練及跳繩訓練對於年輕業餘拳擊手的肌肉力量、肌肉活化、最大發力率及反應時間都有達到一定的效果,有助於拳擊手發展更好的下肢力量,產生更好的打擊表現。
Background: Amateur boxing is one of the most popular fighting sports around the world. Fundamental movement and physical fitness should be well trained when a junior amateur boxer. The benefits of plyometric training and
jumping rope training for amateur boxing seems to affect the velocity-force of punch, strength, and power. Therefore, biomechanical of force from lower extremity to the upper extremity was appeared by additional training programs that it would be a key to success in the amateur boxing. Purpose: The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of two different exercise programs on the lower extremity strength and punching performance in junior amateur boxers. Methods: This study recruited 24 amateur boxers aged 12 to 18 from Bailing High School for the proposed study. Cluster random sampling divided all of the subjects into the following groups: Group I (n=12) participated in the plyometric training program (PLY) and Group II (n=12) participated in mimic jumping rope training (MJR). All groups matched both intensity and duration of the training. Punching performance and lower extremity strength examined before the training period and the end of the training program. Punching performance was collected data by five jab-cross punches on the force plate and set the sampling rate at 1,000 Hz. During the trials, the other variables including ground reaction force, EMG-reaction time, force plate-reaction time, and muscle activity were recorded. Jab-cross velocity was calculated based on the Helen Hayes model which recorded by 10 high-speed infrared cameras with the frequency of 250 Hz and jab-cross force was recorded by the tri-axial
accelerometer which put it on the dummy, and the sampling frequency of 1,000 Hz. Lower extremity strength assessment was measured by five CMJ on the force plate and the sampling rate was set at 1,000 Hz. Moreover, the other variables including vertical leg stiffness, RFD, and peak power were collected. The statistical significance of differences was determined with a two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Bonferroni ’s post hoc procedure was applied to locate pairwise differences. The correlations between the measured parameters as well as the reliability of the tests were estimated with the Pearson product correlation coefficient, which are accepted at P-value < 0.05. Results: The main finding of the two exercise programs presented that a statistically significant main effect of time for jab punch velocity, reaction time, biceps femoris muscles of the lead leg (PRE-Phase), and the peak rate of force development, excepted the tibialis anterior muscles of the lead leg was a significant main effect of group. However, it was not found that a significant interaction between types of training and time effect in both punching performance and lower extremity strength variables. Conclusion: Both plyometric training program and mimic jumping rope training program for 8
weeks are effective to improve a boxer’s muscle strength, muscle activity, the rate of force development, and reaction time as it helps in lower extremity strength of boxer in order to drive a punch at the target with great performance.
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