

作者(外文):Lee, Chien-Chi
主題關鍵詞:風險因子報酬因子集中度偏態峰度投資人老化台灣股票市場Risk FactorsReturn FactorsConcentrationInvestor agingTaiwan stock marketSkewnessKurtosis
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Demographic transition has already become a major issue in the recent decades. Lower fertility rate and higher expected life length result in the population aging. Most developed countries face social problems due to the demographic transition, especially in the economic and financial field. To figure out the phenomena, this paper selects 99 stocks provided by Taiwan Stock Exchange to explore the impact of population aging on Taiwan stock market. Population aging indirectly make the proportion of the elder investors higher in the stock market. According to past research, elder investors prefer to hold lower risk securities. This paper employs risk and return variables to analyze the investors’ behavior in Taiwan stock market. Also, we divide the whole sample into several groups, whole industry, financial industry, technology industry, and traditional industry to find out the impact of investors aging in the different industries. The results show that there is no significant evidence to prove that the elder investors pursue lower risk stocks in Taiwan stock market, that is inconsistent with the results of the past research. On the other hand, in the whole industry, technology industry, and traditional industry are different from the past research results, showing that Taiwan's elderly investors prefer stocks with higher return in those industries.
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