

主題關鍵詞:工業4.0精密機械模糊理論層級分析法Industry 4.0Precision MachineFuzzy theoryAnalytic Hierarchy Process
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The application of Industry 4.0 in the manufacturing industry realizes manufacturing efficiency and reduces its cost to increase added value. But nowadays, consumers’ sense of autonomy has increased, and the requirements for product customization have become higher and higher. This market demand reflects on the supply side. As a result, manufacturers must have the correct response capabilities to respond to various methods that may affect business trends. Therefore, in addition to using hierarchical analysis to evaluate methods, this study uses fuzzy analysis to verify its results. The research results confirm that the risk assessment values obtained by the analytic hierarchy process are consistent, and the mutual relationship between them is found from the fuzzy analysis model. The more data collected from it and fed back to the Internet of Things, it can produce value-added effects and unified data., When the intelligence spans the entire production line, it can use big data analysis to accurate decision-making... and other conclusions. This research through the Ana-lytic Hierarchy Process then discusses industry 4.0 pair of Taiwan's precision machinery industry management pattern institute emphatically face with target, expected will provide the existing machine manufacture industry as well as the future wants to invest the precision machine industry the management policy maker reference value, also might take the government policy consideration factors and the machine manufacture industry scholars study the academic for reference.
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