

作者(外文):Alexander Kuan Daiy
主題關鍵詞:開放銀行市場擴張策略金融科技策略聯盟多準則決策Open Banking (OB)Market Extension StrategyFinancial Technology (FinTech)Strategic AllianceMultiple Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM)
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開放銀行 (Open Banking; OB) 是金融領域一個新興的業務領域。這項新的業務領域需仰賴銀行與非銀行服務供應商 (non-banking service providers) 間的緊密合作。然而,如何以多元觀點來評估銀行的 OB 業務合作夥伴,在學術領域則尚未得到充足的研究文獻。因此,本研究在經驗豐富的領域專家支持下,提出了一種混合決策模型。研究中更選用一家國內傳統銀行及四家非銀行服務供應商,做為說明使用 Confidence-Weighted Fuzzy 評估技術的混合方法。本研究所提出的模型,極可能是在探索導入 OB 策略相關文獻中的研究先驅。然其研究限制在於混合模型,假設因素間關係是彼此獨立,且研究結果是取決於領域專家所擁有的知識及經驗判斷。在實務上,本研究的發現能讓銀行決策者,透過可鑑別的相對重要因素來篩選合適的 OB 策略夥伴。
Open Banking (OB) is a newly developing service field in the financial domain. OB service operation deeply relies on the collaboration among the banking and the non-banking service providers. Nonetheless, the process to assess OB strategic alliance partners from multiple prospects for banks is undetermined. Thus, this research proposed a hybrid decision model with the supports from experienced financial experts. The current research also adopts a Taiwan’s domestic bank and four non-banking service providers to demonstrate the hybrid method with the application of Confidence-Weighted Fuzzy Assessment technique. The proposed model in this research may be one of the few initial studies to explore the OB adoption strategy by using novel approach. The research is limited to the hybrid model, which assumes that the relationship among the factors are independent from each other. Also, the results of this research depend on the knowledge and experience of the experts. In practice, the findings of this research empower banking decision makers to opt suitable OB strategic partners through identified critical factors, which serves valuable guidance for the financial sector.
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