

作者(外文):MA, YAO-TSU
主題關鍵詞:數位匯流新聞教育大一大二不分系學程制新體制論Digital convergenceJournalism educationGeneralization first then specializationProgram systemNew institutionalism
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Digital convergence has brought a huge impact to the communication ecology, including news reporting methods, production mechanisms, media structures, and operating models, etc., These fundamental changes have also initiated a wave of reforms in journalism education in various attempts from tentative supplementary courses to brand-new fully integrated courses. This study aimed to explore the issues of reformation of journalism and communication education under the current trends of digital convergence
First, under the environment of digital convergence, what are the responses of the journalism and communication departments in Taiwan towards the reformation of education? This case study selected two university journalism departments in Taiwan as the subject of study. Questionnaires were administered to the junior students in these journalism departments in order to examine the overall student responses under different curriculum systems. The study also interviewed veteran teachers in order to triangulate with student responses in questionnaires and to understand further of the current condition and potential problems of the convergence curriculum reform in practice.
Second, the study listed various unfavorable factors and uncertainties during the implementation of the reform of the Convergence of Journalism and Communication in order to reflect on the necessity and appropriateness of the current educational reform. What were the mechanisms or reasons that made these journalism and communication departments eager to implement various curriculum reforms? The study provided an explanation of this from the perspective of new system theory.
Lastly, towards the future of journalism and communication education, what are some of the important concepts, strategies, and new ways of thinking proposed by the sectors of industry and academia?
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