

主題關鍵詞:隨遷老人生產性老化動機福祉文化視角the elderly who migrate with their childrenproductive agingmotivationwell-beingcultural perspective
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This study takes the elderly who migrate with their children as the research object, aiming to explore their forms of productive aging and their motivations for productive aging. This research uses qualitative research methods. It interviewed 38 elderly people who migrated with their children, 5 adult children and 4 social workers. The research found that:
First, in terms of the basic information of the group, the context and purpose of the migration of the elderly with their children mainly include taking care of their children and grandchildren, family reunion and "relying on" children to provide for the elderly. Caring is the dominant purpose. As for who is the target of migration with children, it is not arbitrary, but is the result of expediency due to the combined effect of factors such as intergenerational ethics, gender power, family structure, and overall family benefits. In addition, the types of elderly who migrate with their children are diversified, it includes static style, style of swallow-like-like flight ing in different directions, relaying style, migratory bird-style, rotation styleold people who migrate with their children.
Second, in the form of productive aging, its form of productive aging involves three aspects: work, care and voluntary service.Their participation in work has the characteristics of compatibility, easy interruption, and urban-rural duality. Their participation in care has the characteristics of priority, high involvement and progeny centralism; their participation in voluntary services is shallow, highly mobile, urban-rural duality. The productive aging is unevenly distributed among the three aspects. Care is the main aspect. Work and volunteer services are vulnerable to the "squeeze" of care, and the whole presents the characteristics of the offspring family as the center.
In work, it has the characteristics of giving consideration to care, easy interruption and urban-rural dual differentiation. In care, it has the characteristics of priority, high involvement and child centrism; Voluntary service has the characteristics of shallow, high mobility and urban-rural dual differentiation. The productive aging of migrant elderly is unevenly distributed in the three aspects. Care is the main aspect. Work and voluntary service are vulnerable to the "squeeze" of care, which shows the characteristics of focusing on children's families as a whole.
Third, in terms of productive aging motivation, the productive aging motivation of the accompanying elderly can be classified into the consideration of future generations in the pursuit of reducing the burden on their children and the consideration of themselves in the pursuit of improving the security and quality of life in their later years. The "double care" orientation coexists, but their motivation feature is to give priority to future generations, which is consistent with the ontological value of the accompanying elderly with the prosperity of their children as the core Personal life course is deeply influenced by unique social and historical events and is related to the social reality of high pressure and low welfare.is related to their ontological value centered on the prosperity of their children, their life course is deeply influenced by unique social and historical events, and they are in a social reality of high pressure and low welfare.
Third, in terms of productive aging motives, the productive aging motives of the elderly with migrants can be categorized into the future generation-oriented pursuit of reducing the burden on their children, and the self-oriented orientation of the pursuit of improving the security and quality of life in their later years. "Oriented coexistence, but their motivational characteristic is to give priority to future generations. This is in line with the ontological value of the elderly with the prosperous offspring as the core, the personal life course is deeply influenced by unique social and historical events, and they live in a society of high pressure and low welfare. Relevant in reality.
The forms and motivations of productive aging of the elderly who migrate with their children are quite different from the productive aging under Western discourse. Under the influence of collectivist culture, the productive aging of the elderly who migrate with their children is not the pursuit of personal well-being and personal achievement. , But the pursuit of interpersonal relationships and the overall well-being of the family. The difference between Chinese and Western cultural archetypes makes the self-view and happiness view of the elderly who migrate with them different from those of the western elderly, which affects their productive aging appearance. In the future, the productive aging policy for the elderly who migrate with their children should take cultural factors into consideration.
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