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摘  要
The COVID-19 pandemic has strengthened consumers' awareness of sustainability, and consumers have focused more on products that meet ESG values in their purchasing choices. The purpose of this paper is to study the impact of consumers' lifestyles on their ESG images, including consumers' ESG brand identity and purchase intention from ESG brands. In this study, 351 samples of ESG brand consumers were used for cluster analysis to identify four lifestyles: planned consumers, active, family-first, and mediocre, and then one-way ANOVA was used to demonstrate that lifestyles significantly affect brands identity and purchase intention. In addition, two-way ANOVA was used to demonstrate that lifestyle has a significant moderating effect on the positive relationship between brand identity and purchase intention. As to management implications, companies can use consumer lifestyles along with demographic data as market segmentation variables, and choose a segmented market with high ESG brand identity, or where the purchase intention is likely to increase with brand recognition as the target market, to achieve advantageous ESG positioning and rate of return from the market.
Keywords: ESG, brand identity, purchase intention, lifestyle, ANOVA
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