

題名:青年生涯建立期的發展與工作打造: 實徵研究、行動研究、諮詢個案研究
主題關鍵詞:歷練驅動人才發展挑戰性任務反思發展性工作打造發展性個別協議工作打造介入介入歷程諮詢職場教練情境式工作打造experience-driven talent developmentjob challengereflectiondevelopmental job craftingdevelopmental I-dealsjob crafting interventionintervention processconsultingworkplace coachsituated job crafting
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The Talent War has never ceased since ancient times, and has become more heated with the problem of fewer children. This is the motivation for this study. This study consists of two sub-studies. Study 1 is an empirical study on experience-driven talent development, which aims to test the theory and explore possible talent development paths. The research variables are mainly development elements such as job challenge and reflection, and development results such as work engagement, work performance, turnover intention and development potential, combined with developmental job crafting and developmental I-deals from proactivity research domain as mediating variables. The research subjects are recruiting young adult newcomers nine months after their employment from five companies in China, including the government-owned enterprises, the private enterprises, and foreign companies, from two recruiting methods: general school recruitment and management associate. A cross-sectional questionnaire survey method was used, and a total of 495 valid questionnaires were collected. It uses exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model analysis and other statistical methods. The research results verified the positive impact of job challenge and reflection on the concerned criteria, and found that developmental job crafting and developmental I-deals have different mediating effects, representing two different talent development paths. Combine the above elements to create a new talent development path for organizations and individuals. In addition, it is found that both general school recruiting newcomers and management associate can produce certain positive results for the above paths, which shows that general school recruiting newcomers is a new blue ocean of talents worth expanding.
In Study 2, an action research approach was adopted to continue the results of Study 1, which used job crafting as a strategy for talent development, and it took more than two years to develop a job crafting intervention program. For the sake of the purpose of study, we finally analyzed a single case during young adult career establishment by using systematic pragmatic case study method. The main focus of this study was on the intervention process in response to the research gap, with three expected goals: to optimize the action itself; to expand the knowledge of the action; and to provide feedback on theoretical knowledge. The insights and findings obtained from the analysis yielded four outcomes that met the expected objectives and have implications and contributions for theory and practice. 1). A new understanding of job crafting content and come out a new framework of job crafting content, which is clearer and more complete than the existing job crafting content. 2). The dynamic model of job crafting intervention process is proposed by incorporating personal, environmental and time factors into the intervention process. 3). A cognitive map of workplace coaching in the organization/family/social context with the view of life-span & life-space is proposed. 4). The intervention program can help the client to really increase the job crafting behavior and accompany other types of help, providing an intervention channel and method in talent development. Finally, this study combined situated learning theory to propose the concept of situated job crafting, and concluded that adopting a situated job crafting learning approach can effectively help participants to acquire job crafting behaviors.
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